Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Time with Family

The trip to Allan's parents home, where we would be staying for the next two weeks, was so fun!  The car seat we had was a little steep so I sat in the back with A.  We were probably WAY too worried but hey, that's what first time parents do best!

We talked about how good it felt that she was finally ours.  It was finally real!  And how sad it made us to leave A's birth family. 

For the next two weeks Allan and I stayed with family while we waited for our ICPC paperwork to go through. We were welcomed with a cute sign that said "It's a Girl!" (that I kept meaning to take a picture of and then forgetting). 

The next couple of weeks were really busy with visits from family and friends.  When we got home after placement we took some pictures and just cuddled her for a long time.  Sunday My Dad, Gram, Poe, and sister K4 came to meet A.  It was so good to see all of them.  Gram brought her a beautiful crocheted blanket that is so soft and cuddly and brought us a beautiful picture for our home.  Dad and Poe set us up with some extra money to get her some things she needed and K4 brought her a big pack of formula.  Our Poe passed away shortly after this visit so we are so grateful that we were able to see him one last time and he was able to meet A.  

The Poe - Miss you and love you Poe!

K4 and Allan playing with A

Grandad and A

Gram and A

K4 and A
Allan’s side of the family came for the regular family dinner that night and to meet A.  We were really concerned about her getting sick and not getting clearance to fly home, so we stayed in our bedroom and let people come to us a few at a time.  The nieces and nephews only saw her from afar.  Poor little G wanted to hold her so bad.  She said she would wash her hands and when Allan told her that sometimes sickness is in your mouth and you don’t know it, she said “I’ll wash my mouth!”  What a sweetie.
Our niece M sat next to me at dinner and met my Dad and Poe.  I told her that my dad was my dad and she got a confused look on her face and said “That’s funny, Allan’s your dad and he’s your dad! You have two dads!” She thinks of a husband as a dad. My dad loves hound dogs and has 4! He told M (who is 4) that his name is Hound-dog.  She said “That’s a silly name!” and then proceeded to tell them that you shouldn’t smoke or drink coffee because it’s bad for you but if you do it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.  You can still be a good person and smoke and drink coffee.  I think we have a missionary in the making in her.  They got a really big kick out of her.

F and A

J and A

D and A
When Uncle D and Aunt J came to hold her J asked D several times if he wanted to hold A.  He finally gave in and when they left he said “I think we need to get us one of those.”

Grandpa H with A

Grandma H with A
Monday my mom, step dad, step-sister L, and sister K5 came to visit.  Ma helped me make a moby wrap which turned out super cute if I do say so myself!  Thanks to SG for helping me find the fabric!  L brought A a beautiful blanket and burp rag.

Nana and A

Pops and A

L and A

K5 and A
Tuesday we headed up to visit AG and her family and bring A to her first doctor appointment.  We saw the same pediatrician that AG and her sister went to growing up and that AG’s niece is going to now!  He was really good and didn’t care that A pooped all over his table, lol!  AG got to come to the doctor appointment with us.  I think it is such a fun memory!  I’m glad that she got to be at that first! 

Our visit went well and we all had a good time.  AG was so happy to see little A again.  It was good to see them together and see her loving on her.  AG’s dad had arranged all the flowers and pictures so it looked like a shrine.  It was so sweet and beautiful.  Not too long after we arrived there was a knock on the door and I answered it.  It was the mail man delivering the Promise Book we made her!  We got to give it to her anyway – hilarious that it arrived when we were there!  It was really hard to leave.  When we left it was a little rushed because we stayed so late and still had to stop by LDS Family Services before we went home.  I hope we never have to leave that way again because it made it harder.  We love them so much and they really seem like family to us.  My family and theirs have a lot in common and it’s so fun because it feels a lot like I’m with my mom and sisters!  So grateful that little A has such a wonderful birthfamily.

We stopped by LDSFS before we went to AG’s that day to fill out some paperwork and then had to stop by after to fill out some more that they had forgotten.  The caseworker there had a family emergency so she was a little flustered and a few things were forgotten.  But, I’m still so grateful that she made the time to work with AG during the placement.  I know it meant a lot to her.
The rest of the week we just hung out and took it easy.  It was so much fun to get to know our little girl and take care of her.  We cherished every moment.  She was such a good little sleeper too!  She never woke anyone up except me, ha!  Allan didn’t even wake up.  When it was his turn I had to wake him up.  I think he would have woke up if he was sleeping next to her but she is very quiet most of the time and only makes just enough noise to wake up whoever is closest to her.  We are so grateful to Allan’s family.  They gave us all the alone time we needed with her, even though they wanted some time too.
That Saturday my sister K3 and her husband C came to visit.  They were on their way to Disney World and Harry Potter Land, one day we’ll take A.  We had a fun visit and they brought her an adorable sleep-n-play and the cutest little tutu outfit.  She looks so adorable in it and loves to play with her tutu!
K3 and C with A
The following Sunday AG and her mom and sister came to visit.  It was so nice to have them come to us so we didn’t have to take A out.  Because of the weather the doctors had advised that children and elderly not be outside so we were so grateful we didn’t have to bring A anywhere.
We had a fun visit with them again and they doted on little A and snuggled her.  AG looked amazing!  She had retained a lot of water and by that time most of it was gone and she looked great!  There was a huge snow storm that day that they braved to come see her!  It took them twice as long to get to us as it normally would have!  They brought A some cute bows, an adorable onsie for the college team they favor, and  the cutest stuffed animals.  A little bunny

And a cuddly cow

A loves both of them and loves to jabber at them.
The next day LDSFS called and told us that we had clearance to go home!  We were so relieved!  It was really nice to be with family but it’s hard to live out of suitcases and we had barely been in our house since we bought it and were really wanting to get home and finish unpacking and get settled in with little A.
My sisters K5, K6, and my good friend B came to visit that night.  We had fun catching up with each other.  B bought her a pacifier purse (so cute!) and a pacifier that says “Mute Button”, ha!  It’s a bigger size too which will be perfect for when she really starts to scream.   ;)

B and A
K6 brought her camera and we took some cute pics of little A.  This one is my favorite.

 She had been sucking on her binky with her hands on her cheeks and then her binky popped out.  So funny!
We also packed up all of our stuff that night.  Everyone was so generous we had so much stuff that we thought we were going to have to mail home at least one package!  But, we had brought extra luggage and with some moving around we managed to get everything in the bags and keep it underweight!  I really think it was a miracle!

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