Sunday, August 31, 2014


Little A loves shoes. I think it is in her genes because she has liked them from the time she could see them. Her birth mom and birth grandma also love shoes.

She definitely doesn't get it from Allan or I. Allan doesn't really care about shoes, as long as he has some he's good. I care a little more than Allan, and that's it. Shoes are good, they can be super cute and occasionally I find some I love...the end.

Little A is obsessed with them though. She really likes to show people her shoes, and she will "tell" people if she likes their shoes.

For example, we went to a company dinner the other night. Our babysitter fell through at the last minute so we ended up taking little A with us. She spent most of the night walking me around lifting up her pant leg so people could see her shoes. They would obligingly say how cute/sparkly/awesome her shoes were and then she would go to the next person who would pay attention to her and do the same thing! Ha!

Another day we were at the chiropractors office waiting for my appointment. The girl sitting next to us had some neon orange tennis shoes. A was in love! She went over and stood in front of her and repeatedly gestured to the girls shoes making big smiley faces and excited sounds and gestures until the girl paid attention to her. At which point I told the girl that A really liked her shoes. Then A tried to pull up her pant leg to show the girl her shoes. Only she was wearing footie pajamas. She didn't notice at first and kept pulling her jammies up (which pulled her leg up too). Eventually she looked down, looked very confused, and then laughed at herself. Too cute! She is such a funny girl!

This week she decided that she MUST play with her shoes on the rug in the living room. All of her shoes are in a tote on a shelf in her room. She has been trying really hard to push/pull that tote to the living room for several days with no success. After a while she always just grabs a couple shoes and brings them into the living room. I finally took mercy on her and taught her how to hold onto the handle so that she can pull the full tote of shoes into the living room. She is so delighted! For the last two days she has excitedly pulled each shoe out for me to put on her foot, look at, snuggle, and talk about.

I guess it's a good thing she has a lot of shoes.

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