Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall Time Fun

This is the hole Allan got in his pants during the boyscout camp out he went on last week end.  It's quite the hole.  I'll be patching it this week.

We counter-offered on the house that we want...hopefully they'll accept this offer and we'll be able to move forward to closing!

One of Allan's school buddies came into town this week and we were able to spend an evening with him.  They had a lot of fun talking together and reminiscing about school.

We went on a picnic with some friends this Friday.  They have a little boy and are expecting a girl in a few months.  I watch their little boy from time to time.  He is a blast to watch.  This last week he wanted to go outside pretty badly.  I told him we couldn't go this time but when he wants something he doesn't give up easily.  He saw my shoes, brought them over to me and set them by my feet.  I put them on and then he grabbed my hand and walked me to the door!  What a cutie.

Our friends H and J, Allan, and Allan's school buddy, K (in the red shirt)

The picnic was a lot of fun.  We forgot how early it gets dark here and ended up eating by make-shift lantern.  Good thing my friend frequents pinterest.  She was able to create the lantern from a water bottle and flashlight.  Genius!

Their little boy.  He had a hot dog in one hand and a cookie in the other - he was a very happy little camper!
We went to a corn maze this weekend as well.  We love doing things outside and a corn maze is always fun!  We took our time wandering around, trying to get to every part of the maze.  Several times we had people stop and ask us which way to go, they were pretty disappointed when they discovered we were just wandering around.

This year there were several squash plants along the paths.  I think the blooms on the plants are gorgeous.

There were also a lot of extremely rotten corn cobs.  They look pretty weird.

Allan took some pictures of me when I wasn't aware.  The funny thing is when he took this picture I thought "Is Allan taking a picture of'd hear the camera..."  Guess not.

The view from the bridge that goes over some of the maze.

 I don't know what this is but I thought it was really pretty.

The sunflower field.  It is so gorgeous!

One of the pumpkins.  I love the vine that is coming off of it.

It was colder this year than last year so we didn't see any caterpillars.  In fact, we didn't see very many insects at all, mostly just bees.  That was kind of nice. ;)  We decided that next year we're going to go through as fast as we can and time ourselves.  Then we'll work our way backward and explore the rest of the maze.  Then we'll really confuse people!

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