Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Still Looking

We are no longer expecting a baby in November.

Our caseworker told us on Monday that K feels uncomfortable with her decision and she wants to take some time to look at other options.

Of course we are heartbroken.  Adoption is really, really hard.  We wish K the best and we hope that she will still consider us as she searches for answers.

For us it is time to move forward and start searching again.  Please let everyone know that we are hoping to adopt: your friends, family, and neighbors, your hairdresser, your Bishop and Relief Society, the guy sitting next to you on the bus....you never know who might know someone who is looking for a couple to place their child with.

Thank you all for your love and support, and your help on our journey to grow our family.


  1. I'm so sorry for your difficult loss!

  2. I am still hoping that K will keep you two in mind. I can't even imagine how hard it would to be K. I am so sorry Kami! Loves and prayers to you!

  3. Hi Kami, so sorry to hear about your disappointment! I hope you guys will find your sweet little one soon, you will be awesome parents!
