Sunday, June 4, 2017

Baby L's Sealing

We had the wonderful opportunity to be sealed in the Temple to our sweet Baby L! The day before there was a blizzard. We were VERY grateful for the beautiful weather!

Our sealing was at 9am, so we got up, and got the girls up, early that morning. Little A was excited to go to the Temple and wear her new dress. Baby L was a happy little camper as usual. The girls had a ball in the Temple's youth center. Little A played house with one of the "grandma's" there. When I went back to feed Baby L, she had pulled all of the dolls up to the table with their strollers and was feeding all of them. there were about 8 dolls in strollers! Baby L jabbered at all the women until she fell asleep.

They brought her to us asleep in a vintage pram, which is my absolute favorite! They brought Little A to us the same way when she was sealed. Little A loved how it bounced and giggled and squealed the whole time! On the way back to the youth center Baby L lay in the pram jabbering and playing with her toes.

The sealing for children is short, but beautiful. Baby L sat on the alter and very sweetly watched the sealer as he spoke. The spirit was very strong. I really struggle to find the right words to express the feeling that is there in the sealing. It is a palpable and beautiful. I feel immersed in warmth and joy. It's a very special and unique experience. We're so grateful for the many family members who were able to share this wonderful experience with us, and for the many who were there supporting us in spirit.

Afterward Baby L pulled my veil off of my head. She's got a thing for shaking ribbon and the veil has some nice ribbon on it. We took the girls back to the youth center for a minute so we could prepare to go outside for pictures. When we got back there were other children there. Little A was thrilled to have some friends to play with. Her and another little girl had a snack in the little play kitchen. She wasn't very happy to leave her snack to take pictures.

After the Temple we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's house to give Baby L her baby blessing. It was a beautiful blessing. We're so grateful to have the opportunity to raise this gorgeous girl who is full of so much potential. She brings so much love into our family. We can't wait to see all that she will do in her life.

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