Thursday, December 26, 2013

Little A is 10 Months Old!

Little A is getting so big! I can't believe it's already been 10 months!

She loves to walk in her walker and has finally started to try to crawl!  She gets up on her knees and rocks back and forth.  The first time she did it she moved her right hand forward and then belly flopped, planting her face in the carpet.  She wasn't a big fan of that and hasn't tried to move her hands since. 

She still sleeps 10-12 hours at night.  We had a rough week where she was rearranging her nap schedule, but other than that one week she's been a great sleeper.

She still won't feed herself.  The idea of it still disgusts her, lol.  She's a really good eater if we feed her though.  She still loves green beans, peas, and squash.  She really likes the foods with beef in them but doesn't like chicken or turkey and won't eat the food if it is chunky.

Little A loves to stand and walk while holding onto hands.  Her favorite toys right now are the little sponge Noah's ark animals that we bought for her to play with in the tub.  She's never actually played with them in the tub, but she loves to sit and chew on them. 

She weighs about 17lbs 10 oz.  Between teething and a couple colds she's had a hard time eating lately so her weight gain has been slow.  I don't know how long she is.

1 comment:

  1. Time is passing quickly- It just seems like yesterday you just brought her home. She is just as cute as ever and the cutest smile. It sounds like she is growing and is a pleasant and happy baby!
