Sunday, March 18, 2018


This month we tried to focus on getting settled into our new house, and spending some quality time with each other once the show was over.

Baby L has decided to follow in Little A's footsteps and be under my feet at all times. Gratefully I haven't stepped on her yet! She is a little more curious than Little A though, and will open the cupboards occasionally to explore them.

She also LOVES to read books to herself. She likes to be read to also, but seems to like to look at them herself even more. She'll point to all the pictures and say "Dat, dat, dat".

Playing "choo choo". This time we went to Grandma's house. Little A makes a great conductor. :)

Little A saw a gingerbread kit in the store and asked if we could get it. We had a ball making it, and of course eating the candy.

Snuggled up before bed.

The girls had a ball playing in this box. They played boat and sailed down the river to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Little A got very curious about make-up while we were doing the show. Now she likes to try out my lipstick and draw "meowy" whiskers on her face with my eyeliner. I only got them for the show so I don't mind. Ha!

We went to the ward talent show. I sang "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man" because it's easy and I have the music. It went well. Poor little A was very done though.

Our cute nieces and nephews came for a visit again! We were so excited to have them!

They love my caramel popcorn.

We played tea party, they played in the snow, they showed us how they play their musical instruments (they're getting really good!). We had a lot of fun! Unfortunately Baby L got sick and wouldn't sleep through the night. So we were all exhausted and watched a bunch of movies the last couple days. :(  Hopefully next time they come visit we won't get sick.

We hung up the girls' swing. Best thing we ever bought!

With a shaded backyard comes a whole lot of leaves! We had a lot of fun raking them and playing in them. Little A was more of a fan than baby L. I think she'll like it a lot better when she can move around better.

This is baby L's favorite place in the house. In front of the play kitchen. She empty's it every day and will play here happily all day, literally.

We got the children's books unpacked. Little A was so excited to see her "yubbies" again! She sat and read them all while I got them unpacked, organized, and put on the shelves.

I sure love this little beauty! Look at those dimples!

Baby L got to try out the walker again. She did really good in it this time, so he checked one out to her for us to take home. She is loving it! She can't do it by her self, but she'll walk for a while with me helping her in it.

Tired babies after a long, and yummy Thanksgiving day!

We went to see the cities winter show. It was super cute!

We had a little incident with the Halloween candy. Baby L was very pleased with the Reece's Peanut Butter Cups. However, she's not supposed to have dairy. She broke out in eczema. She was livid when I took the candy away from her, lol!

Little A became interested in nail polish the last time we visited with AG and family. She actually let me paint her nails! This is a HUGE accomplishment for the child who HATES having her hands and feet touched. I was amazed!

We got the Christmas tree up and decorated. The girls had a lot of fun decorating it.

Little A was enamored with this cloth Christmas book that K1 gave to us. She sat and read it over and over again.

We always look at the lights from under the tree.

Allan is enjoying his new job, and we are all enjoying getting back to our normal routines.

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