Sunday, March 18, 2018


Here are some pictures from August. Baby L loves curry. :)

Little A tracing her foot.

Went to the county fair. Baby L really liked seeing the birds. Little A loved the baby chicks. She also really liked seeing the horses and even pet one of them! (Very brave for her.)

This was the highlight of the day. A playground area! Ha!

Little A also loved this jungle gym, but she wouldn't climb to the top and go down the slide. She just went back and forth between the beginning and the ladders over and over again. She has a serious fear of heights.

She climbed in there to say "hi" to the ball player. Haha! Unfortunately it collapsed on her. We got her out just fine but she was very surprised!

Baby L is loving the table food. She has to have a bite of any food Allan has, lol!

Little A worked really hard to glue this bunny together all by herself. She did a great job!

One of the girls' favorite games.

Little A had to say goodbye to her best friend who moved away. These two are so cute together. They were so, so sad. Every time we drive by their house she whimpers, "Oh, my friend." Gratefully they live close enough that we can still get together sometimes.

We got to get together with AG and family. It was so much fun! Lots of yummy treats, and Little A picked out a fan for her and L. It was so cute, Little A wanted a purple one but she couldn't find one that matched. She traded it in for pink so that she and Baby L could have matching fans. Just love my cute girls! They have had a lot of fun with those fans!

Went to visit Grandad and Grandma H. As always Little A loved the doggies! She took a million pictures of them.

We went to a resort with Grandad and most of the Aunts and Uncles. We had so much fun hiking around, playing in the water, and just spending time together as a family.

Little A was exhausted and fell asleep eating her s'more!

When we got back to Grandad's we all vegged out on their bed with a movie for a little break!

Little A is working hard in her therapy building her muscles and coordination so she can learn to write! She sure loves that swing!

A is a very good helper, and L is a very patient little sister!

We had a lot of fun watching the eclipse. A loved looking through the glasses. L was just confused and asked us to not bother her and just let her eat her lunch!

We have a beautiful sunflower! We have no idea where it came from. Our little neighbor said, "Wow, that's the biggest weed I've ever seen!" Ha!

We were so thrilled when it rained and we could go splash in puddles!

Matching dresses, and matching pink hats.

Little A found a new place to sit when she gets tired, lol!

Little A was SO BRAVE and got her hair cut! It is super long! And still is after the cut. She won't let us cut it short but agreed to a trim so that it would stay healthy and strong. She was super nervous, but didn't cry. She was thrilled to go and get ice cream afterward!

She LOVED playing the drums. I'd love to get her some. She actually held a pretty good rhythm for a while! :)

Baby L has been begging to go on the therapy swing. I finally gave in. She LOVED it! And then promptly fell off of it. Poor baby. She cried for a bit and then tried to climb back on.

Little A made some play doh ponies all by herself! It's really hard for her to squeeze the mold together, so I was really proud of her.

I am playing Maria in the Sound of Music. They are considering having me where a wig. This is what I would look like with straight hair. Hmmm.

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