Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

For Mother's Day this year Allan got me a beautiful picnic basket! Yay! We love to have picnics, I am so excited to use it! Hopefully it will warm up here again soon.

Little A got me a pancake turner and colored a beautiful picture for me! When Grandma asked her what she got me for Mother's Day she said "A yum, yum, yummy!" and rubbed her belly.

One of her favorite things to eat is pancakes with butter. She especially likes to put the butter on herself.

 I've been very busy with the "Wizard of Oz" lately: rehearsals, production meetings, and trying to get the last few dances choreographed. It's been a lot of fun, and also just a lot. We'll be excited to have some good family time when it's over. It's looking really good though! I'm really proud of everyone, I've given them some tricky stuff and they're making it look great!

Little A has learned how to wink! It is the cutest thing ever!

She's also learned some new dance moves. My favorite is when she stands arms and legs wide and shakes her whole body, ha! It's adorable! She also started flexing her muscles. We aren't sure where she learned this. One day I was getting her some milk and told her it would help her be healthy and strong and she suddenly flexed her muscles and growled at me lol!!! Love my cute, funny girl! She's always full of adorable surprises!

She's really started saying more and is saying phrased now too. It's so fun to hear her little voice more! She's up to about 100 words that she says regularly, with more that she says occasionally. Her words are also getting a lot clearer.

Allan is continuing to heal from his surgery. He's doing really well! He had a rough patch the last couple of weeks, but we've been blessed with some really good physical therapists who have really helped him! Little A loves to do his excersises with him!

I've been helping E with her solo after dance class. Little A has spent some time with cousin P, Nana, and Pops. They've had a great time having tea parties together. P will say, "Would you like some tea, please?" and Little A will say, "Yes, thank you!" over and over again, lol! We're so grateful we live close to our family!

They other day little A and I had a picnic at the park after story time. She sat in the swing almost the whole time, eating her lunch, ha!

Little A loves to wrestle! She's getting better at getting her daddy!

We were finally able to get the easel that grandpa made little A home. She LOVES it! We have played with it every day. She really likes all of the colorful chalk.

We've been able to go on some fun walks, and do some puddle splashing! Loving the spring weather!

One evening Little A was setting the table and I asked little A to put the Parmesan cheese on the table. I heard her say "mmm, yummy, yummy" over and over. When I looked she was putting Parmesan on everyone's plates, lol! She is a very good helper!

We went and got some flowers for our flower bed. Little A did a great job helping us dig holes for the flowers.

We came home from spending a day with cousin P and left with a whole bunch of hand-me-downs. Little A loved tying them all on.

We have a long box on our stairs that we use as a tunnel for little A's cars. We had a different one before that we also used as a slide. This box is sturdier though and doesn't flatten out, so little A came up with a different way to use it as a slide, ha! She wasn't very excited about it afterward though.

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