Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Anniversary to Us!

We celebrated our 8th anniversary this year with dinner out. We were really busy so we only had a few hours, but we made the most of it. We really enjoyed the time alone and little A loved playing with her babysitter O. O is fantastic! We love her. We use O and another babysitter N frequently and little A has a ball with both of them. We are so grateful to have such good girls available to babysit!

We spent Memorial day with Nana and Pops.

Little A really loved putting flowers on all of the graves and picking the dandelions and clovers in the cemeteries. She looked pretty cute too!

We took little A to a small zoo in a town nearby. She enjoyed seeing all of the animals, but mostly just loved running around. We saw and petted a Tortoise,

  saw some bears,

Can't remember what was in this one, a fox maybe,

 a beautiful bald eagle, my favorite,

elk, deer, antelope, mountain lion, turkey, and several other animals. And of course we piggy backed out!

We also had a little picnic at the park near the zoo, with my new picnic basket of course!

We had a really fun play date with our friends, A and A, and their kids. At one point little A wanted to play with the doll house but all the other kids were downstairs in another room. Since the doll house is small I decided to bring it down stairs for her. Just as I was going down the stairs one of the other girls, C, decided to come up the stairs (she's about 15 months old). I slipped and slid down the stairs, dropped the house, and it slammed into C's face knocking her backwards down the stairs! Thankfully she had only crawled up two steps. It was NOT good. C had a bloody lip and a little black eye. :(  I jammed my arm onto the point on the stair railing and had a good bruise for a while. I finally remembered to take a picture of it when it was on it's way out. It was a really good one. I felt so, SO bad for dropping the house on C, poor baby.

I'm working on the Wizard of Oz still and in it Glinda says something like "Don't make me drop a house on you!" 

We went to the nearby city and did some shopping. Allan bought little A her own camping chair. She picked it out all by herself and was so proud of it!

 We had a family dinner and took some fun photos. Cousins watching a show with Uncle K.

 Piggy backs with Mama

Running in the grass

trying out Pop's new hammock.

These two girls are becoming best of friends! It's so fun to see them getting so close!

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