She is such a happy little girl and we love her so much. She never fails to surprise us and always keeps us laughing.
She still sleeps 10-12 hours at night and has some good long naps during the day.
Her favorite toys right now are teething rings. There is a particular one that she loves, it has a rattle in the middle.
She loves to sing songs and read stories. Her favorite book is the New Testament Children's Book. I read to her out of it every day as a personal scripture study for her. She loves seeing the bright colorful pictures and especially loves it when the pictures have Jesus in them - she'll stare at those pictures longer than any others. I started reading just one chapter a day, but she's loved it so much we're reading 4 or 5 every day now.
Waving hello. |
She'll wave hello and goodbye, but it usually takes her a while to think about it.
She is eating 6 oz of milk four times a day. She's doing really well with eating solids. She still likes green beans and squash the best but peas are a close runner up. She also loves eating things off of our plates. She'll eat anything we give to her but she won't pick anything up and put it in her mouth. She'll get it in her hands or in between her fingers, look at it, sneer in disgust, and throw it on the floor. But, if we give it to her she'll eat it happily.
She is 28 inches long but I don't know how much she weighs. In July when I measured her I measured her from her head to her toes, instead of her head to her heels. (Oops, that's embarrassing.) We realized it when we measured her a while later and got a shorter length, lol. I fixed it in the July post. According to that she kind of leveled out and was in the 25th percentile for both height and weight.
Kind of hard to believe that you have had her for 8 months already. What a cute little lady.