Here are a few more pics from General Conference weekend.
She started getting restless but wouldn't go down for her nap so we put her in her activity center and she was soon fast asleep. |
I picked her up and brought her to bed. It's so funny to watch her fall asleep in that thing. |
Later that night Allan buried her in her toys. She was too sleepy to really think anything of it. |
It's cooled down here in the mornings so we can go outside again. A loves to be outside and feel the wind on her skin; it makes her giggle. We try to go out every morning when we still have some shade in the back yard.
Playing with her toys outside. |
I washed up this walker that we got from a friend. Unfortunately it's a little crooked for some reason, so when she sits in it she's a bit crooked. A likes to play with the toys, but she hasn't really figured out how to push herself around at all. She much prefers the activity center.
A has been teething like crazy lately, but nothing has popped through. It looked like there was one just on the verge of cutting through, but it decided to go back down.
Allan had to take one of our cars in to get worked on so I was without a car for a week. So, in lieu of belly dancing, we took a walk to the library and went to story time. She did much better than last time. She loved the songs and enjoyed sitting and looking at all of the other kids. There was a little girl there who was about 3 years old who decided she wanted to be my helper. She played with little A and helped her sing along to the songs and listen to the story and got A a mat to sit on. She was a very good little helper. A really liked her.
This bow cracks me up, it's as big as her head! |
We went to the county fair a couple of weeks ago. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed going on a family outing. I was hoping to take Little A on the merry-go-round, but she is still too little.
Allan dressed her up for our family day. He's such a cute daddy. |
We saw all the animals first. A wasn't very impressed or very interested. She was tired. Allan loves to look at the pigs though, and I managed to not almost get run over by any pigs this year. :)
Allan and A waiting for the rooster to crow. |
They always have a display teaching about what cotton is used for and how much can be made out of a bale of cotton. I read it every year and am always so amazed. There are actually a lot of things that I didn't realize were made from cotton.
Me and A looking at the produce. |
We always enjoy looking at all of the booths and arts and crafts. We walked through the children's art again and saw that one of our friends daughters got a ribbon for some of her art. She did a really good job, and we were very impressed.
We decided to skip the elephant ears this year because the honey got every where last year. We went for funnel cake instead. It tasted delicious, but it was kind of windy outside, and we both ended up covered in powdered sugar. My dark jeans were speckled in little white dots from the top to the bottom as were my shirt, arms, legs, and shoes. Allan didn't get it quite so bad, but he was still pretty covered. We forgot to take a picture before we brushed ourselves off though.
Little A looking around. |
Tired after a long day at the fair. She fell asleep watching daddy do the dishes while listening to a football game. |
Allan has been working hard on the yard. He pulled out all the rock and brick and tilled up the grass in the last two weeks. He needs to do some grading work this week, and then we'll be ready to lay rock down. It already looks better than it did.
Putting A to bed. |
Allan gave a talk about his mission last week. The youth get together once a month to learn about different missions. They have guest speakers come and tell them their experiences. They try to keep it more informative rather than spiritual. They mostly tell them about the cultures they experienced and share fun stories and yummy food. Allan made crepes with Nutella. They really enjoyed them.
Allan going through his mission stuff in preparation for the mission night. Little A decided she needed to help too. She loved pulling things out of the tub. |
Little A had her 9 month appointment. She screamed at the doctor the whole time. I think she's starting to remember the doctors office. She weighed 17 lbs 10 oz and was 27 in long, although they didn't stretch her out like normal because she was screaming so much so I think she is really around 28 inches. We had to go back another day to get her lab work done because the lab was closed. I went back two days later so they could draw blood (they were checking for anemia and lead poisoning). A has such chubby little arms that they couldn't find her veins. They did finally find one and stuck her, but it rolled, and they couldn't get it. A cried pretty hard but they got her calmed down pretty fast by shaking a rattle for her. She actually started giggling! When she giggles hard she bounces up and down, that made it pretty difficult to find any veins and stick her again, lol. They ended up asking me to feed her extra liquids over the weekend and bring her back again.
When we went into the waiting room a little girl (who was probably around 1 year old) saw little A, squealed and reached out her arms to her. She kept saying "my baby" over and over and trying to climb out of her mom's lap. As we walked out the door she started crying, lol! It cracked me up. I wanted to keep A forever the first time I saw her too. :)
A hates all liquids except her formula. She will take a few sips of water and then spit it out and does the same with juice. So, we tried to feed her baby food that was more watery and give her more formula than normal. I took her back the following Monday. As soon as she saw the nurse she pouted and looked really nervous. She remembered them. They put hot packs on her arms and one of her hands. She was nervous but was doing really well until they put her arm out to stick her. Then she burst into tears and didn't stop until we were out of the lab. They tried to stick the same vein as they did before but it didn't work again so they tried her hand and that one finally worked! It was such a huge relief! I've never heard her cry like that, it was pretty awful. When we got out and were in the waiting room she leaned away from me to look around the room and saw a woman sitting there. She gave that woman the most horrified look and almost burst into tears again, poor girl. We snuggled the rest of the day. For the next couple of days she would barely let me put her down and she woke up at night crying. Apparently it was traumatic for her. Hopefully we don't have to do anything like that again anytime soon.
Having a snuggle before bedtime. Notice the oreo's. My class at church gave me a run for my money that day, lol. |
We went to a Doterra meeting to find out more about oils. We bought some Past Tense (the oil we tried at the Salsa Fest), but it hasn't come yet. We're going to try that for a while and see how it affects Allan's head. We're hoping that it will have a more lasting affect the longer we use it. We'll see.
I got called to be the Relief Society Secretary. When I got a call to meet with the Bishop I couldn't think of any callings that weren't already filled. At church that week they had called a new Relief Society Presidency, and I thought they'd called a secretary too. I obviously wasn't paying attention....
My first thought was - the bubble wrap was too disruptive at church last week, and I'm in trouble. Ha! I've enjoyed the new calling so far, but I'm really sad about leaving my primary class. I'll really miss those kids. I am really excited to be able to participate in Relief Society lessons again though!
Love this dress from K6! |
Another fruitless attempt of getting a good picture with a bow on her head, lol. |
This cute outfit is from K5 |
My favorite picture of A asleep in her activity center. She is biting the seat. |
We had another family outing to visit the corn maze and pick a pumpkin. We love going through the corn maze, and it was a lot of fun taking A through and showing her everything. We let her feel the leaves on the corn stalks, she didn't think much of them.
She loved feeling the corn though. We found a piece on the ground that was already out of its husk. She was completely enthralled with it.
Little A's favorite part though was when Allan would run after me. She loved chasing mommy and loved having the stroller go fast and bumpy. We loved hearing her giggle. Baby giggles are the best sound ever. We tried to take a video several times, but of course when we pulled out the camera she wouldn't laugh. Instead she scowled. I almost ran into some people once trying to run and take a video of her at the same time. That video was pretty funny. She also loved when one of us would run ahead and then jump out as she turned the corner.
Telling A about the fairy's. ;) |
At one point we lost A's hat. She hates to have things on her head so she kept taking it off. Allan went back to find it and A and I played with the corn stalks while we waited. She had a lot more fun than it looks like in the picture, but she got mad at me when I wouldn't let her eat the stalk.
We took some pictures on the bridge that marks the half way point. She loved it when daddy flew her in the air.
This is my favorite picture of her and Allan. She sure loves her dad.
After the corn maze we went and picked a pumpkin. We picked one pretty fast because A was falling asleep, and we needed to leave so I could get to the primary program practice. We found a really good one though and are excited to carve it.
She is darling! I know, I say that every time- but she just is so cute and that smile of hers- it is SO cute! Her whole face smiles when she grins! Looks like you guys have been having a lot of fun! I love following your blog. You are such a fun Mom!