Sorry about last week. We were out of town and I wasn't able to get a post ready before we left. There wasn't much to post about anyway. Last week we had something planned every night, and we were really excited for a fun and busy week. Then Allan caught the sickness that was going around his office and we had to cancel our plans until Thursday. When we went to the concert that was supposed to be on Thursday we found that it had been cancelled. We were able to go and spend a fun evening with some neighbors on Friday though. Allan returned to Primary one last time as Captain CTR, and the kids performed their very best for him. I am so pleased with how well they learned the song. We did go and get a BBQ for Allan. It's just a small one, but he is
really excited to finally have one of his own. We are really looking
forward to using it this weekend.

This week we went on a business trip. Every now and then Allan gets to take classes on the software and electronics that the mine uses, and one was offered this Tuesday and Wednesday. So, we took Monday off and made it a mini vacation. We went to Old Tucson Studios (where Hollywood films a lot of their western movies) and then to see Julius Caesar. Old Tucson was a lot of fun. We watched a couple of shows - they were super cheesy but that's the way we like them ;), rode the train, went through their haunted mine, ate some fabulous ribs (Allan preferred the brisket), drove their antique cars, walked through all of the sets, took some old fashioned photos, went on a stage coach ride, and got some really yummy fudge.
Big Jake's BBQ. I don't usually like ribs but these were wonderful. |
Old-Fashioned Photo - Their computer wasn't working so we ended up getting a CD of all of the pictures they took for free. I guess it pays to come when things aren't working. |
Us in the stage coach. We are very grateful for modern transportation. The stage coach was very uncomfortable. |
Allan got in trouble and was put in jail for a time out. ;) |
Us driving an antique car. |
Allan putting the semaphore down so the train would stop and pick us up. |
We had a really hard time finding the theatre that was showing Julius Caesar because Google maps sent us to the wrong place. We stopped about 8 students and asked them if they knew where this theatre was and none of them had heard of it. However, after a really nice girl stopped to help us we found it (about 4 blocks away from where Google sent us) and were able to see the last half of the show. The last half was really good - I wish we could have seen the entire thing. The set was really well done, and the lighting was great. They showed the set go from prosperous to ruins with almost nothing but lighting, and it was really good. The acting was well done too. The only thing we didn't really like was how loud the microphones were. For some reason every where we go here the sound is extremely loud. You can plug your ears and still hear everything clearly. Next time we might have to bring ear plugs just so Allan doesn't get a headache from it being so loud.
The company put us up in a Hilton Country Club. It was really nice. The rooms were large, and their amenities were amazing. They had a large pool with water volleyball, hot tubs, a kiddie pool, a water slide, and a putting course just in the inner court yard. I wish I had taken a picture, but I forgot to. Then there was the golf course, several restaurants, a great gym and spa, and a running trail that ran through the surrounding desert (eesh). I ate at one of their restaurants, and it was really good. Allan was in class the whole time, and I went shopping, so we didn't really get to use any of their amenities, but they sure looked fun. We did decide though that we really would rather stay at the Marriott next time because the Hilton's beds were not very comfortable - they did have great pillows though.
We went to Babies-R-Us while we were in Tucson and had a lot of fun looking at strollers and toys. They were having a deal on bouncers and swings so we snatched up one of both. We decided to go with a stroller that we found on amazon though - it was less expensive. It was a good thing too because after the bouncer and swing we didn't really have any more room in our car. Now we just need a baby to put in all of our new baby stuff.
On Friday we went to the Children's Theatre here. They did Robin Hood. It was really cute. Some of those kids really do a great job. We thought the best acting went to the children that they brought up out of the audience as hostages, they really put on a good show and gave the sheriffs men a run for their money.
This week in primary they learned the song Stand for the Right. I handed out little bees for them to raise in the air when they sing "Be True, Be True". The rest of the class they all buzzed like bees. Next week I'll have to come up with a way for them to get the buzz's out of their system so we can work on the song a little better! I subbed for Sr. Primary again and had a lot of fun with the older kids. I reviewed Choose the Right with them, and they got a big kick out of dressing up in Captain CTR's superhero costume. I am so grateful that I get to work with such fun and wonderful kids every week!
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