That's what I said this afternoon; and of course I don't really want the petals to die - they're pretty - I just want a break from allergies, and it sure would help if things stopped blooming around here for a couple of weeks. They've had an unusually warm and dry year, so a lot of things never really died this winter, and are blooming in full force.
I had a lot of fun with M and L this week. Poor M broke a tooth and had a really bad toothache so it was a more quiet day than we usually have. We played in their tent, did some hide and seek, and watched some Care Bears. L was really wound up from having his cousins over (they left right after I got there on Monday morning) and refused to take a nap, so he was pretty tired when his mom got there. While we were watching Care Bears L found M's stash of Smarties and snuck as many as he could get whenever she wasn't looking. He would look at her for a long time, then longingly look at the smarties, look back at her and then when he was sure she wasn't looking he would quietly grab one and stick it in his mouth. He did it the entire movie and (like the naughty babysitter I am) I quietly watched and laughed as M's Smartie stash slowly got smaller and smaller. She was too distraught over her tooth to notice though.
On Wednesday I went and helped out at the food bank. The 2nd Wednesday of every month they hand out food at a ball park close to my house. I had a lot of fun handing out the food. When it was over they sent me home with as much food as I could carry. I added it up later, and I ended up carrying a 35 lb box of food for 1/2 a mile! Eeesh. It was really heavy and I counted that as my work out for the day.
We went and had dinner and played games with some friends on Friday. We brought brownies for dessert, and during dinner their 3 year old little girl kept saying she wanted one. At one point she crawled up on her dad's lap, grabbed his face between her hands, put her face to his and said in her cookie monster voice "I want a brownie!" Apparently the waiting was getting to her. In between dinner and dessert me and their little girl played chase. She raced around the living room chanting "I'm gonna get you!" while I shuffled along. She got the biggest kick out of chasing me but didn't quite understand the "getting" me part.
On Saturday we went to the birthday party of the little girl that I babysat a while ago. She turned 3. At the party it was a bunch of little kids, moms, me, and Allan. She was very insistent that Allan and I both come so we did. She was so happy. Her mom told me that she insisted they have a pink balloon at the party because that is my favorite color. We had a lot of fun playing with the kids.
Today I did singing time for both Jr. and Sr. primaries. We played golf, and they got a kick out of it. At one point during Jr. primary sharing time I looked over and M was standing upside down on her chair looking at everyone through her legs! Last week she cried most of the time because of her tooth so I'm glad she's feeling better. During Sr. primary sharing time I looked over and saw a little girl that was quietly snoring. I thought she was pretending to be asleep until she almost fell completely out of her chair and then looked around in confusion to find that everyone else was standing up! I love working with kids! They are so entertaining!
We finished our profile for and it should be up Tuesday night. Feel free to go and take a look. It's pretty similar to our LDS Family Services profile, but there are more pictures. We're hoping that this website will help to get our information out more. Here's hoping.
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