There was a nature walk on the way that we stopped and walked around at. Little A loved running down the paths. A and I got over heated pretty quickly though. It was hot!
There was a nice shaded spot that we found along the nature walk that had a creek and a tire swing. It was also a GREAT climbing tree. Little A swang on the swing for a minute before we continued.
When we go to the camp ground we made quick work of setting things up. Little A really enjoyed helping carry all of the stuff into the tent and setting it up. She was super excited about her bed. Baby L enjoyed playing on the tent floor.
While Allan got dinner ready L played near him, and Little A and I explored the campground. We also sang "The Ants Go Marching" over, and over, and over again at A's request. (I'm not sure our neighbors appreciated it.)
After dinner we went on a little hike. Little A led the way.
Allan and I had a nice evening together after the girls went to sleep. The next morning we had a nice breakfast and packed up.
We went on a short hike before we left. We were planning on doing a longer one, but both the girls started to fall asleep.
They both had so much fun!
We made Allan and L brownies for their birthdays. Little A was a really good helper. She loves to lick the bowl and spoons when we're finished.
I got Allan several tools he'd been wanting. I took Little A to the store, and she picked out a gift for both Allan and L. She got Allan a yard game (which is a lot of fun), and L a musical toy that they can play with together (also a lot of fun). She loves to give surprises and will often color a picture for Allan or I and give it to us as a "prise!"
Allan had a fun birthday! He didn't even mind sharing it a little with baby L, ha!
Baby L had her first birthday! We sent off a picture wishing her little twin a happy birthday too.
Baby L tried some brownie and ice cream. She wasn't that impressed. She loved playing with it though.
She enjoyed opening her gifts. We got her a push toy, stacking cups, and a dress (that is too small, boo.) She's loved playing with all of her new toys. Grandma and Grandpa got her a phone and some books. Grandad and Grandma H got her a musical puzzle (and sent Little A a puzzle too).
Her Aunties and Nana and Pops threw her a little party too. They got her some swimming gear, bubble machine, butterfly chime, and some cute clothes. The bubble machine was a huge hit amongst all the cousins.
One Sunday we had a Temple Dedication instead of our normal church meetings. Little A isn't old enough to go. She was so, SO sad. She walked around for half of the day saying "me no church" all sad. So we played church together. She gave a talk and said the prayer. I gave a talk too. Then she colored in one of her church activity books for a while. After that she seemed to feel a little better.
Baby L has been working really hard at her physical therapy. She plays on her knees in a box to help keep her knees under her.
We also get to use this Creepster Crawler. It's awesome! She hated it at first, but now she really seems to enjoy it. She hangs from the harness on her hands and knees, and then we help her crawl. It didn't take her long to figure out how to do it herself. She hates being on her knees though.
While Allan was at Scout camp for a week we went to AG's house and stayed with her for a couple of days. It was so much fun! The girls came down with a little cold so we had to change some of our plans, but overall it was a really fun trip. We love going to see her and her family!
Allan left Monday morning for scout camp but then had to return late that night so he could do a training the following day for work. I let the girls stay up to see him since that would be the only time they'd see him until Saturday. When he got home Little A ran to him, gave him a big hug, and started crying a little. She sure loves her Daddy.
Baby L had her yearly doctor check ups this month (most of them). We saw the cardiologist, hematologist, and Pediatric specialist. They all said she looks great! They also said to lay off the formula and switch to milk because she doesn't need all the extra calories. Haha! She is pretty chubby! We did find out that she has a dairy sensitivity, so we switched her first to soy, thought better of it, and then to almond milk. She's doing really well with it.
While we were at the doctor Little A got to go play with her cousins! She had a blast! They played in the water almost the entire time and helped themselves to pancakes when they felt hungry. I think she really enjoyed the independence. She sure loves her cousins!
On one of our trips down to see her doctors L tried her first French fry. She took a bite, grimaced, spit it out, and then threw the rest on the floor. Ha! I'm just fine with her not liking fast food, lol! I'm sure she'll grow out of it eventually though.
Nana and Pops watched the girls for Allan and I while we went on a date one night. Little A brought her vet kit with her. She and all the other girls gathered around Pops, and he helped them nurse all the stuffed animals back to health, and wrap each other's owies too!
One afternoon we had a picnic with Allan's favorite, pork chops. Baby L was very determined to get some of our food. Particularly the pork chops. I thought I had them far enough away, but when I turned my head for a second she grabbed the left overs of one! She never put it in her mouth, just hung on to it looking very pleased. Ha! Her twin, E, did this when they came to visit (but she actually tasted it).
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