We did some painting,
helped Mama make lunch,
and read a lot of stories!
My mom and sister directed and choreographed Beauty and the Beast. As part of it they put on a brunch with Beauty and the Beast. Little A was invited, however it got moved back a week and ended up being the same weekend as a family reunion for Allan's family, that Allan planned, so we weren't able to go. I think I was more disappointed that she was, ha!
The family reunion was a lot of fun! Allan, P, and A1 planned most of it and everyone else pitched in with food and activities. We got all ready to go up to the camping site and then the babies collapsed for a nap. I love this picture, I think it's such a classic mom picture.
We eventually made it up. Little A was so excited to be there with all of her cousins!
We had dinner and S'mores around the fire. Then we did a little exploring. I tried to take a bunch of the kids, including L on a little hike, but the trail quickly became too intense for me to handle with both Little A and Baby L so we had to turn back. The kids were pretty bummed, but Allan and A1 took them all back later.
Little A LOVED that hike. It had some huge boulders that you had to climb over. She loved having Daddy help her. She was so quick with her climbing that Allan almost couldn't keep up with her! I took L back to Grandma and Grandpa's for the night, and we came back the next morning. Little A loved sleeping with Daddy in the tent. They went on a couple more hikes as well.
This is Little A and Baby L's favorite thing to do - bounce on Daddy! Ha, ha! Baby L thinks it's hilarious. Little A will bounce and bounce and then occasionally stop to give L a big hug!
We went to Raspberry Days with Little A's birth family. It was SO much fun! Little A barely made it through the craft fair. She lost her new water bottle at some point. She was thrilled though when it was finally time for lunch and then later ice cream! She was a really good sport!
At one booth we were looking at jackets, and they also had some hip scarves (jingly belly dancing skirt). The occasional breeze would jingle the skirts. Little A was enthralled and walked over to one and ripped some of the bangles off. Since she broke it, we bought it. I was going to let her pick a toy or book, but when she broke the scarf it became her "you broke it, you bought it" present. She was delighted, ha! Not really the lesson I was hoping for! She does really love to dance with it though.
We went on a walk one cool morning. There is always a huge puddle on one corner near our house. She, of course, ran and jumped in the puddle. She picked up all the leaves and sticks and threw them in the puddle to jump with her.
Little A worked really hard to say 200 words by the end of July so she could get a swing set! Even though we went through so many changes she made it! We are so proud of her! Our friends the W's (Little A and their daughter C are besties) came over to help us get it set up!
Baby L started getting better at staying on her tummy. She hated tummy time so much at first that she just rolled over on to her back (at 2 months old, so basically right after she got out of the hospital)! She's getting better at tolerating her tummy and learning to lift her head.
At two months she could roll over, smile, giggle, recognize faces and voices, etc. Her favorite toy was the cow rattle that her birth family gave her. She LOVES being sung to!
Baby L had an EKG and an ultra sound to check on her heart. The Doctors said that the holes in her heart have gotten smaller. They're hoping that they will close on their own by the time she's a year old. She did a great job through the EKG, mostly just looking at everything curiously. She fell asleep during the ultra sound, ha!
We had to go to hematology as well.
We also saw neurology and neurosurgery for the enlarged ventricles in her brain. They said she although they are still enlarged they haven't gotten bigger and aren't worrisome. They didn't want to see us again.
Then we headed to comprehensive care (pediatrician). They looked her over and talked to us about low muscle tone, how she was eating, and a few other things. They said she looked great!
Later on we took her to see Occupational and Physical Therapy. The OT showed us how to squeeze her cheeks together to help her get a better suck when she's eating. It's hilarious to see her chubby little cheeks all squeezed up! She also diagnosed L with torticollis (twisted neck) and showed us some stretches and exercises to help her resolve that. PT said she looked good and to come back in 6 months for a full evaluation.
While we were at all of these appointments Little A spent some time with Grandma. They had a great time until they were playing with sidewalk chalk and little A fell and hit her head on the sidewalk. Poor baby. After that she really just wanted us to come home. It looked a lot worse than it really was though.
We were given a pass to a fun children's museum, so we took the opportunity that same weekend to go. Little A had a blast! There was a baby area in every section for the smaller children. Baby L loved laying down and wiggling in those areas. Little A loved the slides and sorting activities in those areas.
We danced the dance hall, spun laundry in the laundry room, played dress-up in the Theatre,
We didn't stay in the outdoor area for very long because it was so hot, but A loved the swings and the spinners. She also loved the tunnels and sandboxes. She was so excited about going to the swings that she actually ran into the glass window, lol! Allan and I laughed so hard! She was very surprised, but then saw the door and just laughed and went outside, ha!
Afterward we had an ice cream cone at the little restaurant.
Cousin Presley had a Pretty Princess Birthday Party. Little A had a ball! She loved getting dressed up, wearing her crown, and eating the cake! When they brought the cake out A noticed that the towers were made out of ice cream cones. Ice cream cones are her absolute favorite! When it was time to cut the cake she ran up, grabbed a cone tower, put her crown on (upside down) and headed to the swings, lol! She ate her cone tower and then swang on the tire swing, with her crown upside down, for a long time! K6 had some of my old prom dresses so I threw one on over my clothes so I could join in on the princess fun, ha! Baby L spent the evening being snuggled by Nana and Pops, and K6's mother-in-law, B.
Allan put a fire pit into our yard! Little A helped him dig the hole. She loved the wheel barrow!
When he was done we had S'mores!
Little A and Baby L like to play on the play mat outside while we're having S'mores. That and the swings.
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My mom bought all of the girl cousins matching dresses so we had to have a little girly photo shoot. I don't have any of the pictures yet, except this one that Allan took. They sure were cute though!
Thanks to our awesome friends and neighbors our garden survived while we were gone. It was so much fun to eat from it. Little A especially loved the peas and strawberries. Hardly any of those made it into the house!
I'm so glad that everything is looking so good for Baby L. Little A is so darn cute! She is full of personality and it shows through the pictures.