Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pics from Allan's Phone

Some of these are really old. But they are also cute, and I want to document them.

Allan was given a phone for work purposes, and he wanted a picture of us on it. Little A decided to be shy while he took the picture. I love it when she snuggles like this.

Sometimes Little A's hair is really crazy in the mornings.

Playing together in the morning.

Little A loves to push the cart at the grocery store. She pushed it like this for a long time, but now she likes to push by holding on to the very bottom bar and walking on her knees.

This weekend we had K5 and C's wedding followed by SB's endowment and then a busy weekend with family. By Sunday little A was completely exhausted. When we got home from church Allan took her down stairs to change her clothes, and she fell asleep on the floor like this. We just left her there until she woke up.

SB is such a good uncle. He always spent a lot of time with A when we would come visit. She loved playing the piano with him. This time he took her in to watch some Strawberry Shortcake while Allan and I were getting ready. He is currently serving a mission and is greatly missed.

Reading a book with M. She is learning to read and is doing such a good job.

The second time we went to Panda Express Little A was super excited about the orange chicken and chow mein. Food was everywhere, and she was squealing with delight while she ate. We gave her a fortune cookie at the end and it said "You are a bundle of energy, always on the go." LOL! It was very fitting for the moment.

We have a family planning session every Sunday night. We used to do it after Little A went to bed, but we've been trying to do it when she is awake to try and include her.

She never likes it when my attention is not solely on her. Ha!

Our cute little A at the Temple. She is such a doll. All the missionaries fell in love with her, and she loved showing everyone who passed by her shoes. We like to get a sitter when we can, but it sure is nice sometimes to bring her and help her to feel the spirit of the Temple.

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