We had little A with us when we signed all of the paperwork. The agent at the title company had her two girls there as well (they were waiting for their grandparents to come and get them). It worked out really great that they were there. They played with A while we got all of the work done. A had a ball! She loves playing with children, especially older children that will fawn over her. The girls helped her walk all around the office and fawned over A enough that she didn't want to leave. This is something that I love about small towns. People sometimes bring their kids to work :)
Little A has moved from walking with full assistance to walking with partial assistance. She likes to walk around with one hand patting the wall, couch, chair, etc. and someone holding the other hand. We have to hold her left hand and her right hand has to be free to pat or she won't move, ha! She also likes to stop and pick things up and shake them around for a while. We make as many laps around the house as she can convince me to do.
We had a lot of family play time this week. We also went out for Chinese to celebrate closing on our house. Little A has always been a good eater. The only thing we can't get her to eat is bread. She LOVED the Chinese food! She ate BBQ Pork, Cashew chicken, Sweet n sour pork, and pork fried rice, and some of her fortune cookie! Her favorite was the sweet n sour pork. She never ceases to amaze us at what and how much she eats.
A surprised me this week by standing up in her crib! I've been waiting for her to do this. She's been trying for a while but doesn't like how unsteady the mattress feels and always gives up as soon as it moves under her. The other day I heard her waking up from her nap. Usually she yells to tell me she is awake, but this time she was giggling and squealing. I went in to see what she was up to and found her standing up in her crib! She was SO proud of herself! She couldn't stop squealing in delight and jabbering all about it!
I also put her in a box for the first time. A box of diapers came so I thought, "kids love to sit and play in boxes, I'll see if Little A likes it." She hated it. It was like a prison to her. I took her out and set the box on it's side and put some toys in it to see if she would crawl into it eventually, but she avoided it the entire day! I guess not all kids like boxes. For A the best gift is definitely NOT a box.
We went and visited Allan's parents over General Conference weekend. It was such a great weekend. We love being with our family and listening to the Lord's prophets just made it better. This was a tough conference for us though. A didn't want to sleep, but she also didn't want to sit and listen. So, Allan and I took turns (alternating sessions) rocking Little A to sleep in another room and snuggling her all of conference. This was great except for that all the rocking and snuggling inevitably put us to sleep too, so we struggled with getting much out of the sessions we had to be with her. The snuggle time was great though!
A few quotes that I really appreciated from conference:
"Those who face their fears with faith have courage" - Elder Russell M. Nelson
"Gratitude should be a way of life independent of what is happening in our lives." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Love is the very essence of the gospel and Christ is our exemplar" - President Thomas S. Monson
I have enjoyed reading the talks over the last month. I am so grateful for our living prophet and apostles and the guidance that they give us!
While we visited with Allan's family Little A got to have a play date with her cousin J. Last time they played she wasn't mobile yet. He took advantage of this and gave her a good hefty pull of the hair. She wasn't a big fan. This time she was mobile, and he wasn't sure quite what to do about it! When ever she would talk to him or try to move to him he would run away and cry! Ha! It really was so funny. I felt bad for them both though. For J because he was scared, and for A because she just wanted to play!
I have to write a bit about A and her Grandma. She loves all of her Grandma's, but she is very attached to Allan's mom. While we were there she just wanted to be near her. All the time. When I set her down to walk she would walk straight over to Grandma and sit in her lap. If Allan came over to get Little A she refused to go to him because she just wanted her Grandma. Thankfully she would still come to me, so Grandma got a little bit of a break, ha! I am really glad that she loves her Grandma so much.
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