I started putting bows in A's hair again and she leaves them in! Yay!
Cheer Bear has become A's favorite toy lately. She loves to chew on her nose lol! The green outfit is from Nana. I also finally went and got some hair ties so I can put A's hair in a ponytail. The first day I did it I decided to do pigtails. It is so darling on her! She hates it though so I only do it a couple times a week.
A has officially outgrown size 0-3 month infant shoes! Sort of. She can still wear most of the size 1's she has and can fit into a few of the size 2's. But, she outgrew (and wore out) our favorite pink tennis shoes. I loves these shoes! There were so easy to get on her feet and looked adorable with everything. I sent them to AG as part of her Easter package.
Allan's dad came down over Easter weekend to help us paint. K3 and her husband C came too! It was SO nice to have all of the help! We used KILZ oil-based primer to get the smoke out. That stuff has got some MAJOR fumes! It made Allan and his dad sick. We had to go and get respirators so we could finish! We were able to get all of the upstairs done (primer and paint) except for the paint in the kitchen, laundry, and bathrooms.
Allan's dad brought a whole bunch of his tools and that was a huge help as well! We are so grateful for all of his help and know how. We tinted the primer in hopes that we wouldn't have to do two coats of paint. When I came the first morning after dropping A off at a friends I took one look at the primer and thought "Oh no! That isn't even close to the color it should be!" We chose a light grey and it was a bright blue. We hoped and prayed that the actual paint color was correct and thankfully it was. I was determined to just live with it since we couldn't return it, but I was so relieved that it was the color I wanted.
We usually have Easter baskets on Saturday but since we needed to be at the house we did them Easter Sunday. The Easter bunny brought little A some Peeps and a chocolate bunny, a stacking ring tower, and a dress. She LOVED eating the candy and has enjoyed chewing on the rings and tossing them in the general direction of the tower. We've been working with her at getting them on the tower, and she is getting closer and closer!
She wasn't a huge fan of the dress. It's kind of poofy and she hates poofy. It was so cute on her though. Grandpa took a family picture for us.
We snagged a picture with Grandpa that morning too.
We colored eggs the next day with the intent of doing an egg hunt the following night. A goes to bed so early that it's hard to do much in the evenings. We usually have to split things up into two nights. Unfortunately we never did do a hunt with her. We were so busy at the house that we forgot. We ended up barely eating the eggs before they were bad. Better luck next year.
The sweater A is wearing in this picture was crocheted by my Grandma (my mom's mom) for my sisters and I. It is so cute on A! It's perfect for the cool mornings here. My Grandma passed away a few years ago so things like this are so special to me.
Laundry here is quite the ordeal. When we first moved here Allan did it for me. After the snow melted and it warmed up a little, I figured out how to do it while he's at work. I load up A in the stroller and give her some snacks. Then I load the laundry, laundry detergent, quarters, and dryer sheets into the stroller basket. The laundry doesn't really fit in the basket though so I end up balancing it on the basket with one hand while I push the stroller with the other hand. We go over to the laundry room I get it all loaded and we go on a 30 min. walk. Then we go back to the laundry room and change the laundry to the dryer. I put A down for a nap and after 45 min. I go add more quarters to finish drying the laundry (it never dries in one cycle, and it won't let me add more quarters after it starts, lame). When A wakes up we go get the laundry, me balancing it on the stroller basket again. It sits on the bed until A goes to sleep and I can fold it. I think the thing I am looking forward to the most is having a washer and dryer in my house again where I can do laundry at my leisure!