We went to story time at the library. Unfortunately there was no story time this week because it was spring break. There were a few other women who came though so Little A enjoyed playing with their children. She and a little girl her age tried to play for a little while, but between A stealing the toys and the other little girl taking them back they decided they had better ignore each other, ha! So, A went and played with the older kids. We're going to try story time again next week.
We also went to a playgroup at the church on Thursday. We were they only one's besides the Relief Society President who came. Everyone else's kids got sick. :( They do it every other week, so we'll try again in a couple of weeks. A was on a weird schedule that week too, so she was tired and cranky. Hopefully next time will go better. We had another appointment to go to afterward and didn't get home for another hour. She was an absolute mess by the time we got home. Poor girl. She took a nice long nap though :)
We took little A to her FIRST DANCE CLASS!!!
She LOVED it! She loved the music and being with all of the other kids. She was very insistent that she do everything all the older kids were doing. My cousin has a dance studio in a nearby town. The youngest she teaches is ages 3-5, but she said we could come and try it out. If she gets enough babies she'll start a mommy and me class. A's cousin P also comes to this class, and they had fun dancing together.
We had some good family play time this weekend. It is such a blessing that Allan has three day weekends!
Little A has been coming to primary with us the last couple of weeks, and she loves it. She especially loves singing time. She'll sit on Allan's lap and rock back and forth to the music and wave her arm around. Her favorite song so far has been "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man." It has a good strong beat to it. She really has been a little angel and sits politely and listens to the lesson. Today she was very upset when she didn't get a snack with the rest of the class, but otherwise she did great. The children haven't been distracted by her, which has been good. One of the leaders came up to us today and asked if we were babysitting for a family member, lol! We told her that she was ours, and we had her in there with us last week. She was so surprised! Our sweet girl is so quiet and good that the leader hadn't noticed her, lol!
Little A had her first pizza. She loved it! She liked to stuff as much in her cheeks as she could before chewing it all up. She has the cutest little chipmunk cheeks! She is such a good eater. She will eat everything we give her. Her favorites right now are beans (of any kind), and meat (of any kind). She also really likes cheese. For a long time she wouldn't eat bread. It's still not her favorite, but she did eat the sacrament bread today (she gagged on it, but still got it down) and ate a few little pieces at dinner tonight.
We went and visited her birth family this weekend. It was SO fun! Little A LOVES her birth mom. She seemed to really want to be with her and play with her. And she is exactly like her, it's hilarious! They have the same facial expressions and a lot of the same mannerisms, and they both LOVE to talk :) They gave little A this adorable Minnie Mouse. It crawls and plays music. A played with it all day today and loves it. The music on it is really cute. They also gave her some really cute clothes! A also loved her birth grandpa. It was so funny to see them play together and hear A giggle and squeal. They had a ball building towers and knocking them down. She really seemed to be right at home and very comfortable with them. She just loved having all of the attention and was exhausted when we left. She slept the whole way home, which was very nice.
I love that you have her in a dance class- She is going to be a mini-Kami.
ReplyDeleteWe tried to do a dance class with Elodie but she absolutely did NOT want to follow instructions. haha. Elodie loves to dance, but that means she likes doing her own thing. So she did her own dancing or got upset when I tried to help her follow the teacher. So much for dance class. haha. Also, I think it's cool that you have a great relationship with A's birth mother. How awesome.