The closet in the master bedroom of our apartment is as long as the entire room. The movers put all of our clothes on one side of our closet. The day after we moved in, as we were trying to get unpacked and organized, the closet shelf and clothes rod fell off of the wall. Nice. So, for the next two days all of our clothes were sitting on our couch, and all of the things we had on the shelf were scattered around the house anywhere we could find a spot for them.
It has snowed almost every day since we've been here. The first three days were really nice, not much different than AZ. After that the snow came, and it has just kept coming. It's a good thing I like snow. Allan doesn't particularly like snow, but he realized that he'd missed it. Little A did NOT like the snow. She really didn't like all the things you have to put on to go outside in the snow.

We put gloves on her the first time we went out. She was kind of amazed by them and couldn't figure them out. K6 gave me all of the snow stuff that cousin P grew out of. Little A hates this snow suit, she screams every time we put it on her, but it keeps her nice and warm. And it's cute. The only thing we haven't been able to get for her are snow boots. Up until about a month or two ago she still wore newborn sized shoes! She is finally in a size 1, but I can't find any snow boots in a size one. The smallest I've found are a size 5, and obviously those are too big. The other problem with wearing an infant size 1 is that all of the shoe bottoms are made of cloth. Just walking on the wet sidewalk soaks her feet, and she gets cold fast. We did finally find a couple pairs of shoes that at least have a hard sole on them.
I like this snow suit because it's thin enough that she can wear it in her car seat. As you can see, she isn't a fan.
The first time I took her out in the snow she cried. She HATED it! Now she loves it though. I took her out in it again a few days later, and we played for a long time. She loved to swish her hands back and forth spreading the snow out and laughed every time I threw snow up in the air. She laughed so hard that she fell over, lol! When she laughs really hard she bounces up and down - it is so funny! This time she was sitting in the snow, I threw some snow up in the air, and she laughed so hard she bounced up and down until it made her off balance and she fell over into the snow! She didn't think it was very funny, but I thought it was hilarious! Poor girl. Since she was already laying in the snow I tried to teach her to do a snow angel. It wasn't a very popular idea.
We played in the mirror a lot over the first week. She LOVED looking at herself and would play peek-a-boo with herself.

The next weekend we drove to the closest city to do some shopping. We got some bulk groceries, some winter things, and a few things that we needed for little A. It was a fun trip. We found some cute dress shoes for A. They are a size 2. When I found them they were the only pair left. I tried them on her, and they fit so I thought that her feet must have grown. That Sunday we put them on her for church. We were sitting in the chapel before Sacrament Meeting, and one of them fell off. I reached down to get it and saw that there was stuffing in the toes! I pulled the stuffing out and put the shoe back on and sure enough the shoes are too big, lol! That's okay though, now she can grow into them. If her feet continue to grow at the same rate, she'll be able to wear them for two years, lol! We ate at Chili's for lunch that day. We got little A some mac and cheese, and she ate half of it and all of her mandarin oranges too! We were amazed. It was a lot of food.
A really enjoys standing up by our game chest and playing with her nativity. It was her favorite thing to do that first week.
One day though she reached down to pick up some of the toys that fell on
the floor and lost her balance. She fell and smacked her head on the
window. It gave her a pretty good goose egg. Poor baby. She didn't really like to play there after that unless Allan or I were right there with her.
We got her a hat that has ear covers on it. She absolutely HATES it! She didn't like hats anyway, but this one covers her ears too so it's worse. She tears it off as soon as she can. She does like to play with the little puffs on it and destroyed the one on the top. Now it's just two little strings.
K6 and P also gave little A P's old coats and two boxes of winter clothes. It was much needed!
We took little A in for her 1 year check up and shots. She still hates the doctors office. As soon as she saw the exam table she started crying. We liked her new doctor and the nurses though. They were really good with her. The shots were, of course, horrible. She screamed and cried and fought to get away. As soon as we were done she told me that she wanted to walk. I put her on the floor, she grabbed my fingers and literally ran to the door! She didn't stop running until we were out of the office.
Allan had to go to Canada for some training for work, so we all headed to his parents house the next day. Allan's mom was kind enough to look after little A while we went on a date before his plane left. We really enjoyed the time to be alone together. Since he was going to be gone on Valentines day he gave me a gift early. We don't usually do much for Valentine's day, in fact, we usually forget about it until the last moment. This year though Allan really out did himself. He got us tickets to see Wicked! I love that musical. I saw it in Chicago about 10 years ago, but Allan has still never seen it. I'm really excited to go! It's our Valentines, Mothers day, Fathers day, Anniversary gift, lol!
A and I had a really good time with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle SB. We made cookies, read stories, played with Grandma and Grandpa's toys, and visited with Aunts and Uncles and cousins. Grandma helped me get started on some family history work. We learned that little A is terrified of the stairs. (I feel like that's a healthy fear to have right now, ha!) Grandma and Grandpa and two of little A's Aunts helped us pick out a new car seat for little A. She was too big for her old one.
We skyped with Allan every night, and A LOVED it. She was always so happy to see her dad and loved to chat and squeal at him. It helped her a lot to see him every day still. She warmed up to him really fast when he got home. He had quite the eventful trip that I'll post about later. It needs it's own post....
We visited with my family for Presidents Day. Aunt K5 got A a couple of cute outfits for a late birthday gift, and Nana gave her a cute outfit for Valentines day. We had a fun visit and learned all about K5's boyfriend. :)
Little A got sick Monday night. When she wasn't any better on Wednesday, I took her in to see the doctor. Our doctor is only in on Monday and Tuesday, so we saw a different one. He was great. Little A hated him. She has an ear infection, and we got her on an antibiotic. She's doing a lot better now but was really miserable for a few days. We read a lot of books and watched a lot of movies.
We also prepared for our home study. We just barely had one but since we moved we had to do another one. It went really well. We have almost everything done to have our profile online again. We just have to get some new background checks done, and we'll be good to go!
I got sick on Friday. Bleh. I hate being sick. I am so grateful though that Allan has three day weekends. He's been such a great help. The worst thing is how confused little A has been that I am not playing with her or hugging and kissing her like I normally do. She just looks at me and cries. It's a good thing that I only get sick like this once every couple of years.
We got called to be Sunbeam teachers. There are 13 children in the class, 11 of them are boys, and 9 of the boys and one of the girls come regularly! Since I was sick Allan wrangled them all by himself. They did bring in another guy to help him, thank goodness. It would have been pretty rough otherwise. And, only half of the class was there, phew! Allan had a great time with them though and I am looking forward to next week so I can meet the children. We're not quite sure what we're going to do with little A. It will be an interesting, and fun challenge. I sure love primary!