Allan had the Thursday and Friday after Christmas off of work so we had a nice long weekend. We spent a lot of time together as a family. It was SO refreshing! It was so hard to have Allan go back to work. We missed him a lot, little A kept looking around saying "Da?"
I was catching up on the blog. |
We got in a lot of good snuggle time too. |
Little A started feeding herself! Hooray! Since that was the first time she'd ever done it I rewarded her by pouring her baby food onto her tray. She had a blast, and loved the bath that followed. Now she will only let us feed her if she is super hungry. Otherwise she is very independent and wants to do it herself. She especially loves to eat peas.
We had a game night to use Allan's new Settler's of Cataan extension pack. I still won. It was a lot of fun though. We always love playing games together. It gives us the chance to talk.
A few days after Christmas little A received a package from Aunt K5. It was a Pride and Prejudice counting primer and a Sense and Sensibility opposites primer, written by Jennifer Adams and illustrated by Alison Oliver. They are AWESOME and hilarious! The illustrations and writing are so creative.
The last couple of days in December we worked on adoption paperwork.
We are getting ready to adopt again!
We are really excited about welcoming another child into our home. Little A will be a GREAT sibling! We finished all of the paperwork and are now trying to get our profile ready to go online. We will also be making some changes to our blog. We are already certified so please consider us as an adoptive couple. Spread the word! We really appreciate any referrals we get!
A few things about our sweet-pea that I keep forgetting to mention:
She is scared of Daddy blowing his nose! HA! It almost always makes her cry.
She is terrified of the vacuum.
She hates being thrown up into the air. She used to love it, but now if she feels unsteady at all she grabs on tight and won't let go.
When I leave a room or go somewhere that she can't see me she calls for me and then puts her binky in her mouth with a forlorn look on her face.
When I leave a room or go somewhere that she can't see me she calls for me and then puts her binky in her mouth with a forlorn look on her face.
She loves to go to the store and talk to people. I always get comments on how happy she is. She smiles and squeals at everyone! It always makes her sad when they don't say hi back. She'll look at me with a disappointed look on her face. Too cute.
She loves it when Allan and I kiss. She giggles and smiles super big.
She turns herself around in her crib. We often find her lying the other direction in the morning. She prefers to sleep with her feet propped up on the crib bars.
She HATES to have her arms and feet touched. She jerks them away as fast as she can and scowls at you.
She's not very ticklish and doesn't like to be tickled. If you do find a ticklish spot she growls at you, lol!
She HATES to have her arms and feet touched. She jerks them away as fast as she can and scowls at you.
She's not very ticklish and doesn't like to be tickled. If you do find a ticklish spot she growls at you, lol!
I hope that you can adopt soon! How much fun!! Sounds like your life is dreamy.