The day after little A's adoption was finalized, 27 July, we went to the Temple to be sealed as a family. It was such a wonderful day! We arrived at the Salt Lake Temple at about 9:10am. The first thing they asked was if I had a wedding dress they needed to take for me. The rest of the day we were telling people we weren't there to be married, lol. We went through all of the paper work and then took little A down to the nursery to check her in. The temple nursery is very cozy. Little A loved all of the sweet grandmas that were there to take care of her. They didn't really want her to leave. I'm so glad that she is such a friendly baby. They fed her, played with her, and got her all dressed up in her white dress.
After we got A settled we went and got ready. I didn't realize that I would be in the brides room with all of the brides. Allan and I were married here 5 years ago. It was fun to remember that day. I was asked several times if I had a dress, if I needed help, etc. I was also asked if I was excited to be married today, and other things about getting married, lol. I eventually met Allan in the Celestial Room of the Temple. We have been there together so many times. It was nice to have a little time to be together and think about the miracle we've been given. We had quite a long time to wait though so eventually we got up and started walking around the room.
If you are in the temple to be married or sealed, they assign you a couch to sit on so they can find you easily. They really prefer that you stay seated on your couch. When we started walking around the room they got really nervous. Poor ladies. We didn't mean to stress them out, but eventually you just have to move a little.
At 10:40 we walked into the sealing room. Before they brought little A up the sealer warned us that she might start
crying, most babies do, and if she does he wasn't going to stop
anything. We would continue to the end, at which point we could comfort
her. Allan and I weren't too worried about her crying because she is
generally a very happy and friendly little girl. They brought little A up in the cutest pram. She was having the time of her life in that pram. The woman who was pushing it would do a little wheelie to turn it around the corners and A would just laugh and laugh. She was absolutely thrilled.
She was a little angel during the sealing. Allan's mom held her, and Allan, little A, and I all held hands. When the sealer began talking she stared and smiled at him like he was telling her the most amazing story. It was so sweet.
The Spirit was very strong and I remember feeling so much peace, and being so, so happy. I looked in the mirror afterward to see my sweet forever family. That is a memory I'll always cherish. Allan, Little A, and I dressed in white, smiling and filled with the Spirit.
This is what Allan had to say about that wonderful day: When the sealing
was done we got to hug and kiss our daughter that is now ours forever.
I cannot explain the joy that filled my heart, and the excitement that I
could hardly contain. Life is just so much better now. The sealing
power is real, and I can feel how it has brought us closer together as a
Most of our family was there so they all congratulated us and then we had a brief moment together before they took little A back down. I wish we'd had a little longer but that's okay. Little A giggled all the way back to the nursery and stole everyone's hearts. I seriously wish I had a pram, it would make for endless hours of enjoyment for her, lol!
We went and got our sweet girl from the nursery so we could go and take some pictures.
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Allan, Little A, and I |
AG was there too and we were SO happy that she was able to come. This never would have happened without her, and we will be forever grateful. She is such a special part of our lives, and we love sharing events like this with her. Little A loves her. We got some cute pictures of them together.
My family |
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Allan's family |
Our cutie pie. Look at those sweet cheeks! |
Hooray! |
Allan's dad, my dad, and Allan's brothers B, A1, M1, and D, and Allan's parents' Bishop were in the circle. Allan gave her a wonderful blessing. I'm so grateful that we could share this sacred day with all of our family, and so grateful for the priesthood of God that blesses our lives daily.
The priesthood is so amazing, what a blessing it is to have on the Earth. Congrats on being a eternal family. Little A is adorable.