I am "that mom".
That mom who is so proud of her kid that her kid is always the best at everything.
I figured I would be. That trait runs strong in my family...on both sides. So lets just say that I was doomed to begin with. I think it might have been made worse because we had to wait so long for her to come.
I tried to fight it a little at first, reminding myself that really my baby is just like every other baby. She's going through all the developmental stages just like every other baby, and when it comes down to it she's probably pretty average. But, it was a lost cause. She's my baby so therefore she is the best.
She is the cutest, smartest, longest, most beautiful baby, and has the most adorable smile. Her dimples are to die for! She has the sweetest giggle, cutest little squeals, and the funniest noises. She is super smart and the best sleeper.
It's a good thing super hero powers don't really exist because if they did my baby would have them all and know how to use them to bring peace to the world, lol!
So, if I ever give myself away by saying something ridiculous just know that I am at least vaguely aware of my pride and will have a good laugh at myself later. I don't take myself seriously.
To me little A is fairy princess, superhero, genius perfection all wrapped up in one little adorable bundle of joy. I hope you feel the same way about your kids too!
Then we can laugh at each other together ;)
I love it!