I have always felt like a mother, and Allan has always celebrated me as a mother on Mother's Day, but this was the first Mother's Day that everyone saw me as a mother. It felt good.
We have had a busy couple of weeks, but they have been good. Last week the younger children in the city put on their annual play. We always try to go, and they are always super cute. This time so many children were involved that they did two different casts. We had friends with children in both casts so I ended up going twice. I love theatre though so it wasn't too big of a sacrifice :) Both casts were great! Allan and I went on our first date without A since she was born to see the cast that performed on Saturday evening. We really enjoyed the time together, and the children were adorable as always.
Outfit that we bought for her, bow from a good friend in AZ |
Cute outfit from little A's birthmom's friend. We love this one! |
Little A attended her first baptism that Saturday as well. Allan was trying to come with us, but he was painting the nursery and ran out of time. She was a little angel at the baptism and just sat on my lap and looked at everything until she fell fast asleep.
Outfit from some good friends in AZ |
Our tradition after we go to the plays is to get frozen yogurt. However, this time our date was interrupted. We needed to have our last supervisory visit with our caseworker. She was coming into town that night and asked if we could do it then. So, the play ended a little after 6, we picked up A and went home. Our caseworker came about 7 and we began our interview. There was an adoptive couple in town that needed a place to sign some paperwork, and we arranged to have them over as well that night. They arrived at 7:15. We all had a fun chat about adoption, they signed their papers, and we finished the part of our interview we could, and then they left for a placement ceremony that night. We were bummed that we didn't get to finish our date but happy we could help someone out, and now we have everything done to finalize A's adoption in July!
Cute ballet outfit from K6, bow from a good friend in AZ |
This week we had a fun Un-birthday BBQ with some friends and their children. Several of us have birthdays in April so we got together and celebrated. We always love getting together with friends.
Snuggling with A. She'll snuggle with whatever happens to be near her face. This time it was my sweater. |
We got a chest to put our games in so little A can't get into them when she starts moving around. A had a ball helping Allan put it together.
Outfit from a good friend in AZ. |
Another cute outfit from a friend in AZ. A is getting really good at posing for the camera. This time I said, "Where's my baby's smile?", and this is what she gave me. |
We celebrated our 5th anniversary! Poor Allan had several ideas about things to get for me and one by one they fell through until he finally just got me a bag of goodies on his way home from work. Poor guy. He is taking us for a fun day in the city in a couple weeks. He had planned on doing it this weekend, but all the hotels were booked because of college graduations. I got him a Willow Tree figurine called "New Dad". For the last five years he has wanted to be a father and now he finally is. It's a dream come true for us. The night of our anniversary we went out to eat and then went on a drive together. A is always quiet in the car so it was good to spend some quiet time together where we could talk and focus on each other a little bit.
Onsie from her birthmom. It says "Mommies Little Miracle". She's definitely a miracle for both of us! |
Tummy time with Daddy. She still hates tummy time, but she's getting better at it! |
Little A has recently asserted her displeasure at falling asleep. She'll often only fall asleep as pictured above, lol! Hanging over Allan's arm while he pats her back. Sometimes we have to hold the pacifier in her mouth as well. Today in Sunday School, she refused to be happy unless she was in this position with Allan holding the pacifier in her mouth. Much to one sister's amusement she managed to completely cover Allan's hand in thick drool while sucking on the pacifier.
Cute outfit from Nana. I wore these sandals when I was a baby. |
A can hold her bottle for almost the whole feeding now! |
We did more painting in little A's room. We thought we were done, but when we took the tape off of the wall it took some paint with it, so now we have some touching up to do. Hopefully we'll get it done this week so we can get the chair rail up. I finally got to help a little putting some tape up. Allan and I had a really fun time working and talking together. It was much needed.
Yesterday she fell asleep in her bouncer resting her hands on her tummy. She's such a sweetie pie. |
For Mother's Day Allan gave me a whisk for my Kitchen Aid Handmixer. I've been wanting one for a while! I'm excited to use it, and he's excited to eat the food, lol!
Looks like your family celebrated you well on Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day Kami!
ReplyDeleteAaww she's getting so big, super adorable pictures. I'm glad you had such a great mothers day.
ReplyDeleteJuliann Hepworth