Our sweet friends here in Arizona threw A and I a baby shower. (To my chagrin I don't have a single picture.) The shower was so fun! Since we moved right before A came we hadn't seen many of them for a couple months, it was really good to see them all again. Everyone was so generous and A was given SO many adorable little outfits. They also set us up with diapers and wipes to last for a long time!
Underneath all those clothes are several boxes of diapers and wipes. |
I just wanted to say a quick thank you to our friends here. They have been so supportive of us through this whole experience. From the beginning they did all they could to help us feel comfortable and a part of the community. When they became aware of the trial we were experiencing they reached out with open arms and helped us get the word out that we were hoping to adopt. Almost every week someone would tell me about how they had given our card to someone or suggested us as adoptive parents to girls who were considering adoption. They let us babysit their kids, invited us over for game nights, listened to us moan and groan, and fed us dinner when we had babies fall through. They were always there to comfort us and celebrate with us. We are so very grateful to them for their friendship and support.
We really feel like we have a family here.
Thank you!
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