Our Easter celebrations (we do easter bunny, egg hunt, etc on Saturday so that we can just focus on Christ on Sunday) this year included a mini Easter egg hunt, gifts from the Easter bunny (Kinetic sand, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and some candy), a hike, and homemade brownies and frozen yogurt because my birthday is also this weekend. We all ate way too many sweets, and had a blast together! The kids used ALL of their bubbles in about 2 hours! It was a giant bottle. We're glad they had fun though. A was so excited about The Easter bunny coming she woke up 3 times during the night, turned on all the lights in the house, and asked us where the eggs were, lol! She could hardly contain herself the next morning!
When we first began coloring the eggs, L didn't understand what we were doing and tried to eat it. She was very upset when she bit into the crunchy shell!
Eventually she caught on and really enjoyed herself.
In preparing for our hike L had to get in on the scarf wearing. She picked out her pink play scarf and I rolled in around her head as best I could. She looks adorable!
They really enjoyed the hike. S tried to jump off the cliff into the water once, but learned quickly that that was a bad idea (thank goodness!). He did a great job navigating the rough terrain and was especially interested in the sticks lying about. L walked the whole way in. She was pretty slow and sat down to rest a couple times, but she made it! Allan had to put her in the hiking backpack for the way back though. A was so excited she kept running up to the bridge ahead, then turning and running back to us over and over again. She's our little energizer bunny. She loved exploring all over with Daddy. None of the kids wanted to leave.
We helped all the kids give little talks about Jesus in our at home sacrament meeting for Easter. They did so well in their practices. When it actually came time to have our services this is what happened.
A at least held her pictures up while I read her talk. Our church services ended well though with coloring and cake and ice cream to say "Thank you" to Jesus.
I asked L what she learned at church that day and she said and signed "Thank you, Jesus!"
This handsome fellow hates vegetables. All of them. We've never had this problem before. We had hummus, vegetables, and pork for dinner the other day and he actually ate the carrots! Apparently he is a big fan of hummus. Enough that he'll eat carrots too! We are amazed!
S is very curious and into everything. One thing that he loves to do is put things together: lids on markers, buckles, etc. He loves to sit in this stroller and buckle himself in and then walk around, lol!
We've been enjoying doing some OT and speech at home. We done sand play/manipulation, tweezers and puff balls, gluing, cutting, etc. It's been a lot of fun!
Today while I was helping S go down for a nap, A got out some paper bags and made some puppets! I used our nugget couch to set up a puppet show stage and she gave us a little show with her puppets! She did such a great job! Her story was about Mom and DaddyAllan (this is what she calls Allan) and A. The mean person tries to take A. Mom and DaddyAllan save A! Mean person goes away. (I think she's getting all this mean person stuff from us teaching her about stranger danger and body safety.)