Sunday, December 13, 2020


 We're officially hoping to adopt again! You can find our profile here:

S turned 2 years old! He's such a big boy that I've been thinking he's 2 for almost 6 months. Haha! He was super excited about his birthday.

He really loved his "coe" cake. He did a great job helping me make it, and especially liked using his "coe's" to dig in the frosting!

We also really enjoyed going to the fair this summer. It was the first one in our new town. It's probably a lot different when covid isn't happening, but we enjoyed it just the same. The kids always love to see the animals. They also really enjoyed riding the little train.

We've really been enjoying our homeschool community here. (And we're mad at covid for making it shut down again. Boo.) This summer we did a Homeschool Olympics. The kids loved running in the races and doing some rhythmic gymnastics. 

We also really loved doing Forrest School this summer. The kids love to be outside exploring the mountain, and I'm extremely grateful for the help all of the other moms give me. I couldn't do it without them as L is much slower than the other two, A needs help with tricky landscapes, and S doesn't have any concept of danger and tends to want to jump off of cliffs. 😱 We've explored some pretty great areas and love to bring Daddy back to them on the weekends.

Little A (who is not really so little anymore 😢) went to her first girls night. The painted nails, looked a friends rock collection, and played together. They really had a lot of fun!

We've been loving living close to Aunt SG and her family. The kids love her son, T. She and A had a blast doing nails together!

L has watched me get foot zoned several times and has seen how much it helps my pain decrease. The last few months every time I sit down to read to them she tells me to take off my shoes and proceeds to give me her version of a foot zone. It's so darling! She's just so happy to be helping mama!

We also really enjoyed visiting with S's birth family over the summer. His birth mom, birth dad, and birth grandma all came for a visit. It was so nice to catch up with them a little and see the kids light up!

We visited A's birth family as well and got to celebrate with them in blessing AG and her husbands first child together. A had such a wonderful time with them! 

We've really enjoyed the beautiful fall weather, and took advantage of it by going on several hikes. One hike the ranchers were bringing the cows down. We got to stop and watch as the cows went by. The kids were SO excited to see all the cows. The REALLY love cows!

We've been able to start parent/child dates again, which has been SO nice! The kids have been having a blast getting some good one on one time with Mom and Dad again.

For S's date with me I took him to the park. We were having a blast and then a dad and his daughter arrived. When S and the girl crossed paths he stepped on her hand and pulled her hair. 😲 I made him apologize and then asked him why he did it. He says, "She pretty". Hahaha!!!! I gave him some better options for next time. 

We also got to go to the zoo! They were all completely tired out by the end, but they loved seeing the animals. A was pretty bummed to see that the play area was all closed off. The loved the carousel and the train as usual!

Half of our yard is a HUGE garden area. We didn't have the time to plant this year and it quickly was overcome by weeds. Allan's family came down to help us clear it out. It was a lot of fun, and we're so grateful to have so much awesome family to help us!

L had her first dance concert with her new studio. She was still getting used to it and was so shy. She just stood there and watched. But she loved the attention of being up on the stage.

A is too shy to perform, but she's in dance as well. She is loving ballet. She loves to go to the concerts and cheer on L and then cheer on her class. We always make a sign for her to hold up. It's our way of making sure she's still involved.

L's favorite doll is a baby Ariel doll. She found it at a thrift store one day while we were looking at books and hasn't let go of it since. This doll has been through a lot. Recently L put it in the potty. Ug. I'm so grateful it can be washed, lol!

When we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa A and I went out to look at Grandpa's garden. She was carrying the doll that she always plays with there. When we got to some pokies in the grass she asked me to pick her up and spread her arms out wide. The doll flew up and hit me right in the eye. Got a nice shiner, and a scar on the corner of my eye.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

Well, I've gotten behind again (as usual). We've been really enjoying our time together in quarantine. Allan has been able to work from home about two days a week. We've loved that. It's so nice to have meals together every day. The kids love to go downstairs and play by him. Miraculously they rarely disturb him. They just like being near him. This gives me a little break, which has been amazing! We all agree that Daddy needs to find a job where he can work from home full time, lol!

Nana and Pops gave A this crystal growing unicorn for her birthday. We finally got around to making it. It was so fun! She did such a great job!

S and A walking backwards "following Daddy"

A "Our house is so pretty, like our new neighbors!"

S and L enjoyed painting some pictures while A worked on her unicorn.

I asked Allan to put up some hooks for dress up clothes underneath the play gym. The kiddos love helping him. He is extremely patient with them, always trying to teach them to do it.  I love how S looks like he's "supervising" in this picture! Hahahaha!

They were all pretty excited to get their dress up clothes back out of storage.

Then A helped Allan hang up some shelves in her and Elsha's room. She's such a good helper!

More dress-up play. Putting out fires. I cut out some orange paper for the "fire". They ran around the house putting the fire in different places, and then "putting it out".

While those two ran around L helped take care of the house. She's very into house and baby pretend play, and really always has been. Nothing makes her more happy then if someone will play baby's and kitchen with her.

Since the weather has been so nice we've been doing school on the back porch. I brought the sensory bins outside for the littles, hoping that would keep them busy while I worked with A. It worked pretty well, but all of the beans and sand ended up under the porch by the end.

Since people have begun to water their lawns there's been some great puddles to jump in on our morning walks and bike rides. We've had a lot of fun exploring our neighborhood/town. The other day A really wanted to ride her bike to the post office to pick up the mail. We made a plan to leave right after breakfast so we could get there and back before it got too hot. Unfortunately that morning we had a poop problem. By the time I got everything and everyone cleaned up it was ten o'clock. We went out anyway. A did an amazing job getting there. Then we got the mail, and she told me, "No mom. I don't want to go back. It's hot. Let's just stay here." After some reasoning we headed back in the heat (it was in the 90's. None of us girls do well above 75). On the way back a kind woman gave A a poppy from her flower garden. A was so delighted! She tried so hard to take care of it all the way home, but when we were about two blocks away the flowers head came off. She was so, so sad. Every time we pass by that house she tells me this story.

We've also been exploring the mountains in our area. Going on little hikes and picnics. This day we went to a place our Forest school told us about. We hiked around a little fishing pond and down into this valley to the river. We saw baby bunny playing in the grass and threw rocks in the water. Poor Stafford stumbled and fell into the only cactus for miles around. He was so brave while we pulled all the stickers out.

L has learned to write her name! She missed some of the letters, but she did pretty good for a 3 year old!

The kids have been enjoying our little wading pool. We have great shade in our front yard, but none in our backyard yet. The pool has been a nice way to keep cool.

The kids love to go to the church and ride their bikes in the big empty parking lot. However, lately they've enjoyed more so exploring the landscaping around the church. It's just around the corner which is so nice. I carry S in the baby carrier, and strap his bike to it, while I push L on her bike, lol! Gratefully A is big enough to get there on her own.

I introduced caramel popcorn to the kids. They are huge fans! Since we don't watch TV or movies during the week we have a movie and caramel popcorn on the weekend. They usually just prefer to watch their favorite cartoons, Daniel Tiger and Superwings.

While I was getting dressed one day I came out to find that A had set up a picnic for them in the playroom. Tortillas and all. She even remembered that L has to have corn instead of flour.

He got really excited about his painting.

What a stud.

Since COVID we can't all go into therapy together anymore. And they don't have Speech therapy anymore. They're trying to find someone new. So, they kids take turns waiting for each other. At first I tried reading books and playing in the car (it's a very commercial area and all the parks nearby are closed, so they can't be out of the car). That did not work at all. So now I've been letting them watch their cartoons. L and S watch Daniel Tiger while they wait for A, and then A and S watch Superwings while they wait for L. And really, S goes through the van tearing it apart. We're making do, but can't wait for things to change.

S is obsessed with "coes" as he calls all construction equipment. If you tell him the correct name he'll say, "no, it's a coe."

Family bike ride/puddle splashing. Can't get enough of that view.

There's a little flower garden right of the front porch of our house that is really pretty, but also too much maintenance for me. I can't keep up with it.  The weeds were out of control. So, we took everything out, laid down some mulch, and collected all of the pots that were laying around our property. The kids had a fun time "helping" with the project. When we were done A says, "Wow! Our house is so pretty like our new neighbors houses!" Haha! We tried to by a swing to sit in the area too, but weren't quick enough. Now we're waiting for one to come back in stock so we can finish our project.

I asked A to help pull our the weeds, so she got the scissors from her tool kit and started cutting them. Haha!

Popcorn and stories on the trampoline.

We're loving bbq season, and eating corn on the cob!

Fire pit in our backyard.  Needs some work, but we sure are enjoying it!