The other day we were driving to dance class. I asked Little A if she wanted to listen to some music (she almost always does), but she said no. So I started singing some show tunes. Sometimes she likes it when I sing, and sometimes she doesn't. She kept telling me to not sing, and I continued to sing anyway. She got really quiet and after a minute shouted "Mom!" I looked back, and she was looking at me with this really mischievous grin on her face plugging her ears, lol! I laughed so hard!
We invited AG (little A's birth mom) down to come to little A's dance class. It was so fun to have her visit. They had a great time in dance class. Later that night they played with glow sticks for a while, which little A loved. AG stayed the night and went to the theatre with us the next morning. Then they had a good play together before it was time to take her home. I'm so glad that we live close enough to do things together!
Little A has been really affectionate lately. Okay, she's always been a pretty affectionate girl, but usually only with Allan and I. Lately she's been giving us a lot more hugs and kisses and has been wanting to put her arms around our shoulders when we're sitting on the couch or the floor. It's really cute because she can't really reach, so she just looks really awkward and uncomfortable. She has also been really adamant that we have family hugs lately. We've really enjoyed all of her loves. She spent the morning with a friend while I was working on choreography with the high school students. When I came back she and her friend, C, sat together on C's little doll bed taking care of their dollies. Little A put her arm around C and gave her a kiss on the top of her head! It was so darling!
She's been copying us a lot, trying to mimic what we say and do. She actually said her name for the first time in a year! She said it once when she was about 14 months old or so and never would say it again. Today she finally said it! She also likes to mimic sneezes, she's get a Kleenex and put it to her nose. Then as she wipes her nose she say "choo!"
She watched Daddy crack an egg while he was making German Pancakes. Allan gave her an egg while he was working on some other ones. She has tried to crack an egg before with no success. This time she was successful and even got the egg opened up, however, it went all over the chair she was standing on rather than into the bowl. :) Allan also took her out to play in the snow; she was absolutely thrilled! She pretty much just ate the snow.
She has grown lately and is 36 inches tall. She is getting so big! She can put on her church shoes and galoshes all by herself! It makes her so pleased when she does it. She is still working on getting her clothes on and off by herself.
Little A is such a sweet little girl. She always claps and cheers for everyone when they sing, dance, play an instrument, etc. The last two weeks in church she clapped and yelled "Yay!" after the musical performance. The first Sunday she did it everyone laughed, and then she cried, and I had to take her out. This week everyone just smiled to themselves. Allan tried to explain to her that we don't clap and cheer in church but she did not understand. It made her very concerned, and she started crying, so we just let her cheer. We'll keep working on it.
She is really good at taking one piece of the sacrament bread and taking a cup without spilling it. However, as soon as she goes to drink it she spills it all over her self because she tries to do it fast like us, ha!
I was gone the other day for a while working on a dance solo for my cousin. Little A is never very happy when I'm gone somewhere but usually does pretty good. This time though she was so fed up that when Daddy came in to get her after her nap she promptly glared at him and demanded "mom" over and over again.
I invited a bunch of Moms and kids over to play the other day when it was cold and snowy. At about 11 all but two of them went home for lunch and naps. We continued to play for another half hour when little A told us she was hungry. I invited them to stay for lunch. They had a fun time eating together. Afterward A went in her room and lay down in her bed to take a nap. Her friend K climbed into bed with her, I found them lying in bed together. Little A was half asleep, and K was looking annoyed that she was being "made to take a nap" ha! We got them all ready to go, but little A fell asleep before they were even out the door. Having all of her friends over really tired her out.
One of the nursery leaders at church is a man who is over 6 feet tall, huge, and has a really, really deep voice. We were really worried that A would never want to go into nursery if he was there. However, she adores him! When Allan drops little A off at nursery on Sunday she runs straight to him, gives his legs a big hug, and then takes him to play dollies with her. We're so grateful she has such a good connection with someone in the nursery.
We had a family party for K6's husband the other day. Little A was in heaven because there were so many Grandmas. She lead Great Grandma R (who is not actually her Grandma) all around the house, as well as all the other grandmas. She was thrilled with all of the attention and made all the Grandma's so happy!