We had a few play dates with one of my friends from my mission and her two little girls. It was a lot of fun to see my friend and catch up with her. Her girls are darling, and hilarious! Little A was pretty clingy to me and a bit shy, but otherwise had fun. She even gave my friends youngest girl a hug! She gives those pretty sparingly.
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We came home last Sunday. It has been so nice to be home! I immediately missed Grandma and Grandpa though. It was challenging to not have constant care for A and I, and actually have responsibilities again after a month off. The Relief Society arranged for some dinners for us, and my mom and K6 alternated days to help during the week. It has all gone really well. I am so grateful for everyone's concern and help!
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I taught my primary class this week. It was so nice to be with those kids again. They are such good kids, I missed them. It is still really uncomfortable to sit, so I stood for the last two hours of church. I was really tired by the time we got home, but otherwise it all went well. Little A was so happy to be back in Nursery. We've been keeping her out so that she doesn't get sick, and then get me sick.
Unfortunately that is what happened. She got a cold and then gave it to me. Thankfully it was a pretty tame one, not a lot of coughing or sneezing. She was very tired though, but I couldn't get her to sleep. I finally tried laying her on the floor in the living room and then lying by her. She was staying there good, but talking my ear off instead of going to sleep. I got up to use the bathroom and when I came back she was out.
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Allan made her a trundle bed to go under my old daybed. He got it done just in time for me to go home. I couldn't lift her yet, so this was a great blessing. Because of this bed we didn't need help to come until 8 or 9 in the morning, otherwise they would have needed to be there by 6:15, eesh. Little A has loved her new bed and slept really well in it. She really likes that she can get into it herself.
One of our friends came over to help Allan move in her new dresser (he also helped move our treadmill and A's old dresser). This week we finally got the daybed moved in and now she has a whole new room. She has loved having the daybed and dresser. She especially loves that she can see herself in the mirror.
The other day I talked to A about calling things by their names. She just says "Mom" for everything. So I told her that my name is Mama, daddy is daddy, and also went through dolly, cup, outside, etc. She nodded and said "Yeah!" The next day she started calling everything "Mama" instead of "Mom", lol! And that is still what she does. She says a lot of other words too, but most of the time she just says "Mama!"
So a couple of days ago I put her down for a nap, waited for 10 minutes, and then got in the shower. I do this every day. She is always asleep after 10 minutes. Well, this day as soon as I got in the shower she yells "MA!" And I could hear her running around in her room. I had shut the door though and she can't turn doorknobs yet, so she was stuck. She continued to yell "ma", "mom", or "mama" the entire time I was in the shower. Eventually she says "Mom! I said Mama!" lol! Poor girl couldn't understand why I wasn't coming. When I finally got there she had dumped her socks, shoes, hats, and bows all over the floor. She'd had a grand old time. I explained to her why I hadn't come right away and then put her in her bed, and she was asleep in about 2 minutes!
We got to go to a Temple ground breaking yesterday. It was a really special experience. We were clear at the back and couldn't hear anything. After a bit people started broadcasting it on their phones with the volume up so they could hear it better which helped. Eventually someone drove their car up behind us and plugged their phone into the speakers so we could all hear.
Little A had a ball playing in the mud and saying "hi" to everyone who would look at her. I discovered a lady bug in her hair. I got it out and showed it to her, she thought it was pretty neat, but not nearly as neat as dogs and people.
I got to see one of my good friends from high school today. I haven't seen her in several years. It was so good to see her, meet a couple of her kids, and catch up a bit.