Seriously, it is!
For me it was an answer to prayer.
Clear Passage played a big part in our journey down the infertility road. If you've read our post "Why Adoption?" you know that I got really sick in 2009. Here are some of my symptoms:
Morning sickness
Pain in my pelvis
Having to pee about every 5 minutes
Crying for no reason
Hungry all the time but can't eat
Always tired
Weight loss
Swollen abdomen
You'd think I was pregnant, no. Just some of the weird things scar tissue can do to your body. So, I spent 9 months (ironically) with all of these symptoms. The pain was so bad that I could barely walk. I couldn't stand up straight, lay down flat, or sit. I couldn't hold my nieces and nephews or get down on the floor to play with them. I had to choose one thing to do a day besides get myself ready for the day because after doing one thing (usually dishes or making dinner) the pain would be so bad I couldn't stand up anymore. If I did something like teach my dance class or go to the grocery store it would take me a day or two to recover. I'm usually a pretty active person so laying down on the couch doing nothing about drove me nuts!
It was in an odd way a blessing. Because I had this pain our insurance covered some exams it normally wouldn't have and we were able to find out why we couldn't get pregnant. Through these tests we discovered that the same thing that was causing me pain was causing our infertility.
We prayed every day for a miracle to happen. We received countless priesthood blessings that I would be healed. We went to several specialists and the only thing they could offer was surgery to remove all of my female organs. Yikes! More surgery always means more scar tissue. Scar tissue is the problem in the first place, why would I want more unless it was at least going to give me a baby?
While we were trying to decide what to do Allan stumbled across Clear Passage. I am so grateful to have a husband that never gives up. While he was researching Clear Passage he had a really good feeling about it and was certain that this would work for us. I prayed about it but I was such an emotional and physical wreck at the time that I couldn't figure out what to think. I just trusted Allan and let him make the appointment. In July of 2010 I went to California where the nearest Clear Passage clinic to us is located. One of my mission companions let us stay with her and her husband! I really enjoyed catching up with her and she saved us a ton of money. I will always be very grateful to her for that!
I did 20 hours of therapy in 5 days. Now, this is not one of those nice massages where you leave feeling relaxed. They really dig in and it hurts...BAD! But, after the first session my pain had decreased. By the end of the week I had:
NO PAIN for the first time in 9 months!
I could stand up straight and actually gained half an inch in height. I was always exactly 5'2" and now I am proud to say I'm 5'2 1/2"!
I could walk,sit, and lay down without pain!
My stomach had always been rock solid and I always thought it was because I had great abs, but after Clear Passage I have a softer, more pliable belly, all that rock hardness was just scar tissue. :-/
My right rib has always had really low mobility. When I would take a deep breath my left rib would extend out like normal, and my right one would pretty much stay where it was. Now it moves too! It's made it a lot easier to breath!
I have always been flexible, but I gained more flexibility and can actually do a backbend! Hadn't been able to do one of those in years!
I had regular bowl movements for the first time in my life! (I'm sure you wanted to know that...)
I could eat meat and other foods that are hard to digest. Some of these foods I had not eaten in 8-10 years!
My female organs are healthy now (except for the hydrosalpinx), and I no longer have all those weird hormonal pregnancy like symptoms.
My bladder was freed up so now I don't have to pee every 5 minutes! (Hallelujah!)
I had also been having pain in my left foot and leg that I thought was unrelated but that has been significantly better since I went there.
I couldn't go more than 2 days without exercising or I would get a massive headache, now I can go for a week without getting a headache! (Although I try not to...)
I also gained more mobility in just about every part of my body. I can jump, run, and dance a lot easier than ever before.
I am still infertile but I no longer have chronic pain. Clear Passage healed me so that I could care for the children that will hopefully enter my home through adoption. I am grateful every day for the experience I had with them. They were great!
Me with my therapist. She was so fablous! |
They also worked well with our non-sufficient student insurance, and half of the cost was covered. They teach you how to do some of the stuff on your own too so you can continue to heal. I want to go back and continue the therapy. There is so much more they could do for me, 27 years of scar tissue doesn't go away in 20 hours of therapy. It sure did help a lot though.
If you have chronic pain or know someone who does, look into these people. It will be worth your time. The infertility stuff obviously didn't work for me but it has for a lot of their patients, and I think is worth looking into if you are suffering from infertility. Here is their video:
Their website is Right now they are offering a free treatment if you like them on Facebook. There is a lot you can do to get entered in multiple times so check it out!