We went to the Dentist this week to get my cavity filled. Last time they told us that I only had 1 cavity and a filling that needed to be replaced and that there were a couple of spots they wanted to watch. You can imagine my surprise when the Dentist walked in and said he would be fixing two cavities and replacing a filling. Then he said that I had 3 more cavities and another filling that need to be done! I thought "Did I come in with the same mouth as last time?!" I officially have a cavity for every year that Allan didn't go to the Dentist. That's better than the 7 I would have for the years I didn't go. But, don't be surprised if you leave the dentist with more cavities than when you came. The moral of the story is: "watching" becomes "filling" in the blink of an eye.
We are done baby proofing our house! Another check off of the adoption list. We haven't quite gotten used to the latches though and we're constantly yanking on the cupboards. I'm surprised none of them have broken off yet. We had to do a little bit of rearranging in our house but not too much, and we have plenty of space for a baby and all the toys that inevitably come with babies so bring them on! We're ready. Our landlord finally came and fixed some things in our apartment that have been broken since we moved in 6 months ago. He and his wife adopted so he has a soft spot for adoptive couples. When he found out we needed stuff done for our home-study he finally came and fixed everything.
Allan and I were tested for allergies this week. Neither of us had been tested before so we had no idea what to expect. We definitely didn't expect to be poked 104 times each! The doctors poked us on the back first but that didn't really show anything so then they tested us again on our arms. That test hurt quite a bit and both of us ended up with blood running down our arms. We found out that I am allergic to at least one thing in the environment in every month except December (when nearly everything is dead anyway). We were hoping that we would find out something that would help Allan's headaches go away completely but he is only mildly allergic to one thing that is around for 2 months out of the year. It's ironic that I usually only have mild symptoms showing that something is wrong and the doctors can always find plenty wrong with me, but poor Allan has horrible symptoms and the doctors always tell him there isn't really anything wrong with him. Go figure.
Allan took me to a Jane Austen time period dance this weekend. It was a lot of fun. We were expecting it to be ballroom dance so we were very surprised when we walked in to find people in renaissance costumes! We felt a little out of place in our jeans and shirts. We had a lot of fun though and recognized some of the dances from Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.
During our Sunbeam class today, a little boy needed to go to the bathroom, so Allan took him out. The last time that particular little boy needed to go to the bathroom, Allan just handed him off to the Primary President and went back to help me with some rowdy kids. This time, the little boy anxiously looked up at Allan and asked, "Will you take me to the bathroom this time?" That was already the plan, so off they went. As they walked by the ladies' bathroom, the boy started pulling Allan towards it saying, "This one! This one!" Needless to say, Allan wasn't going in there. It took some explaining that while he goes in that bathroom with his mom, they were going to a different bathroom today. The people sitting in the hallway got a good laugh. The Nursery children that are turning 3 came in to sharing time this week to try and get used to where they will be next year. When they came in, the Primary President asked all of the primary children to be extra reverent so the Nursery kids would know how they should act. Half way through singing time our kids were head banging, twirling, sprawling out on chairs and making loud noises. Basically doing everything except being reverent. I looked over at the Nursery kids and they were all sitting calmly in their seats. Three of them were watching our class with looks of horror on their faces. I can only imagine what they were thinking. We feel that this is really preparing us for parenthood. We try really hard every week to help the children be reverent but sometimes they just don't respond. We still love them though. In fact, I think we love them more because of it. Last week week they were little angels. We only had a couple of "Kids Say the Darnedest Things" moments. For example, in our class we sang the song, "Book of Mormon Stories." At the end of the song, one of our little boys said in the deepest voice he could muster, "That's a MAN song." So in case you weren't quite sure, now you know that "Book of Mormon Stories" is a man song. Women beware.:) Between stories like this and the usual three-year old antics, Primary is a very entertaining time for us.